lol @ netcoders vs warlord fight

it seems like ex netcoders vendor (warlord) who got banned just a while ago for bad support is hacking netcoders, lol :s

image: img_a776f65d114f101bab1c0a7a4597c546

EDIT: - 404 not found

some funny shit ^^
Hackers are destroying themselves.
I don´t get it.
a guy who was selling cheats at netcoders got banned (as in, can't sell anymore at netcoders) for providing bad support to his customers and generally having problems with cheat detection. he is now mad at them, so he haxed their forum
Cheaters always win... even against other cheaters. :)
Hax vs hax zomg! This might escalate into WWIII or tear a hole in the universe, since both sides always win.

image: hax_vs_hax
quality series! :D
Ah, oki doki. Serves them right.

We're currently updating our database.
Please visit us again.

Any customer of Warlord or CODEHOOK.COM
should claim a DISPURE AT paypal and CLAIM
a refund as Warlord keeps STEALING CDKEYS!

CODEHOOK.COM is a scam and stealing CDKEYS.
Provide any personal information on Warlord to
our member of staff.

Haha, I'm just waiting for the "1000 $" announcement. xD
"CODEHOOK.COM is a scam and stealing CDKEYS.
Provide any personal information on Warlord to
our member of staff."

hahaha, fucking clowns
Quote by some retarded adminProvide any personal information on Warlord to
our member of staff.
haha :DDD go get them warlord :p
its like bad boys2 the russian dude gets fucked and comes back and shoots evrybody but got teamkilled according to him
First time i was thinking that chapjer a fucking nCheater was :D:D:D: but not :D
ownd they ll need to hire a whole lawyer's office
lets help warlord to own the netcoders database again and again and then we provide panse with personal infos about warlord and then we will get 100000 € and then we will make cdc5 ! What an idea!

and what the hell is a dispure? dictionnary doesnt know it
You know the deal with grammar and netcoders kidz...
Grammar is sentence structure and punctuation!
I think we are both right. x-(
netcoders going down XD!
netcoders - serious business
netcoders - "we only do this for fun"
dumb vs. dumber.
lol, i really like the film !
Let themselves destroy eachother.

In that way they can do something back for the ET-community!
warlord is a nice guy :)
Really pro also
I rather see xxWarlorDxx gone since he destroyed CoD4 online competitions since day 3.
You know, even if I wanted to cheat, I wouldn't do so now - what with account details and personal details being published, CD-Keys being stolen and stuff. Is being instantly high (onlineonly) skilled really worth that much trouble?
Hmm.. A solution could be that you become friends with the coder himself before purchase.
instant med+ imo
I always have to laugh at the "ETTV Proof" comments, how many people have been busted from 1 ETTV match alone? not to mention almost every person that has priv hacks its obvious with the huge skillboost anyway.
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