Sweden here I come!

In 3 hours I will travel home to my parents, tomorrow we're leaving to Sweden Lindvallen to go skiing. One week with the parents paying everything... how can you say no to that? :D

image: Lindvallen

Not the best place I've been to, but hey... it's better than being hit by a stick :)
So see you people in a week or so \o_
You must be a bit older to can enjoy holidays with your parents.

Have fun!
Well I am a bit older than most here, but the reason is also the story of my parents :)

They got divorced when I was 4 years old, then they both got married again to other partners, got divorced with those; 3 years ago they got back together and have been living together ever since.
This story sounds definitely Hollywood like. :)
Anders Fredslund precious!
Coming out Fall 2008
happy end :!
they divorced because of you, your father hates you. Your pooky was too stinky for him. He was waiting till u grow up and move away,after that it was time to go back to your mother.

Happy End

nvm,j/k :)
have fun & break a leg!
own one or others? xDD
Imagine Arachon on ski's
Think again :D
Sounds like... well, relaxing. Have fun!
like ... BOOZZAH
God tur :)
sounds like a pretty nice little week vacation, enjoy ;D
say to all girls "knulla" :)
you'd have to pay to get hit with a stick, ofc this is better!
Next time try Austria or something...-->

image: pistenkaart-zillertal3000-mayrhofen

that's what I call mountains though have fun in Sweden!
is nice indeed.. though in Austria landscape is nicer... in France the mountains or that high there are no tree's or whatever growing anymore.... only snow + aprés ski Austria >>>>>>> aprés ski France BIGTIME!
Typical Netherlands
Let's go boarding/skiing for the landscape ;)
well Dutch landscape is terrible as you know... so we like to see a nice landscape once in a while :P
Anyway you know I am right!
indeed great to board over there!
if u are so horny for boarding u can go sandboarding! they say that is rly cool :)
Yeah, tons of fun when you have to climb back to the top everytime :p
u can do it behind camels and stuff mate! almost like wakeboard :)
i have been there.. So naiz place ^^
and get buried in an avalanche :<
zillertal :D
was there @ last year, fucking best place i've ever been for skiing!
nonono come to Iceland, all though we got no snow :D
image: skidal_blafjoll_stor
looks great... will take me like two weeks to ski around the whole area
:D 1nen dag is al genoeg imo :p
belg -> dom -> kun je ook niet helpen
e poesje! we moeten wel vriendelijk tegen elkaar zijn e :(
Sounds nice mate, hope you have a lot of fun :) perhaps you can even get laid with those boobarellas they have in sweden :O
hf, sweden is so nice
:D sai aamul kahlaa loskassa, JEAH
katohhan sce on täällä xfire hirmuna kommailemassa journaleita!

ps. tää mitä mä teen ei oo yhtään sama asia
Tror jag åkte ut och fastnade med skidan i något vattendrag när jag lekte offpist vid pernilla backen x-(
"Look , mom and dad, I need to play ET this weekend...I cant go sry"

see, its easy
come to poland!
image: ddxx1
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