What's poppin crossfire?

What's up, how are you today folks?
image: img_a78e6af6b95a32e5424103470e0a156a
Better than you are. tnx
im fine but im bored
my headset just died, my mother asked me to help her, i walked to her with my headset around my neck :(((

he fell on the ground like BOOM.

3th time it happend;O
ik had eerste 3 uur vrij + pauze, moet naar school voor 4 uurtjes;o

dat sax
idd dat sax epic
can you explain me better about the word "epic" like ppl say epic fail and so on (epic movie) but what does it really means?
Now I see, "Awesome, kickass, or otherwise positive. Can be used to refer to anything but is usually referring to a particular event or action. The most common usages are "epic win" or "epic failure," and some prefer to type it in all caps."
An epical story.
Im in the middle of my chemistry lesson and Its giving me a headache
on crossfire?:o while you have a lesson:O?
ye, I just finished some exam we had to do and now we can chill a bit.
n1 bike @ profile btw ;o)
Thanks, I've bought it last year, although today Im with the train because this morning I noticed that I was out of gass :D
It's not my "area" (bikes) but especially yours looks very impressive xD
Well, I bought it when he was ugly and I spend over the 1500 euro's to pimp it.
"Pimp My Bike with Axel" 3D
ye, thats the speed.
hungover :< , but my deathadder has at last arrived so its all gd
relaxing all day to evening then gym and after that out running :x
physics and maths.
tired at work.had allrdy 3 coffees.. :/
:( at work too again...

ill go having me lunch now....mahlzeit!
at work doing totaly nothing as usual, and bored to death
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