OMFG! do not watch!!!

just got a mail from a friend with a link, i watched the video about 10sec then i quickly closed firefox :P the funniest thing about the video are the filmed recations on youtube!

i just say: 2girls1cup

google it to find the orig. video if you want to get sick... or put 2girls1cup in youtube search and enjoy the reactions :P
This is so old I bet this is probably the reason the Dinosaurs got extinct.
omfg news !!!

like one year ago it was posted here for the first time and until now posted atleast 20 times
then i was one of the choosen who missed it... it made my meal today :P
thanks to your smiley i can guess how fucking old :P
older then the internet
Quotei watched the video about 10sec then i quickly closed firefox :P

You missed the best parts :(
really really old, and it's not that amazing.

i can watch it for hours
I bet you can, you sick fuck :D
And MASTERBATE at the same time?!?!
it's fake isn't it?
Where the fuck have you been...?
def. not on se internets
joni sanoo:
jengi suunnillee purjoo ku kattoo
<3Jussi sanoo:
joni sanoo:
mul ei tuu mitää
joni sanoo:
vois melkee runkata

JONZI LIKES 2girls1cup !
have you been living under a rock for the past months????????????????????
Dont be 2 harsh to him m8 :(
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