Hi Hi Nicolas

image: anelka_nicolas_619628

His performance and professionalism at Bolton have maybe shown that he isnt the same miserable little shit he was at Arsenal, and with the service he'll get at Chelsea he could be an incredible signing for us!

Welcome Anelka

(reserved, if he ats like a shit then i reserve the right to call him nic the prick)

"Chelsea will complete a £15m deal to sign Bolton's French striker Nicolas Anelka on Friday.

BBC Sport understands that only formalities remain and the 28-year-old will sign in time to figure in Saturday's game against Spurs.

Bolton have confirmed terms have been agreed and Anelka will sign a four-and-a-half year contract at Stamford Bridge.

Bolton had earlier rejected a £12m offer from Chelsea for Anelka.

Chelsea are without Didier Drogba and Salomon Kalou, who are away at the African Cup of Nations, while Andriy Shevchenko has an ankle injury.

Shevchenko and Claudio Pizzaro, their other senior forward, have scored five Premier League goals between them this season."
1st, naab footballer!!
Klinsmann > Anelka
Munich > Chelsea
So we had the better news.
klinsi träner ?
du meinst trainer, und das tut gar nichts zu sache.
yes tr00, u lost to FiF.
Great news, bro.
nice one deleting my comment
refrain from racial slurs and i wont have to :)
Hmm he like disappeared from the media for some time, used to be a good player though, gl Chelsea anyways ^^
i think anelka is overpriced . 15m for him is a bit of a joke :P

maybe 7m tops.
Well the one thing that makes me disagree with you is that hes gonna score goals. He has never failed to score goals wherever hes gone, even Bolton.

If you compare that to 30mill for shevva (who i do still hope will come good), 15mill is not bad
Where is sheva at the moment? Haven't seen him play since the Villa game and there was no news on an injury.
Picked up a knee injury in that game
Old and Rusty
And Arsenal will remain the best team in UK
I'd love arsenal to be better than man utd, but it pains me to say they're not :(
Could be, but I only saw the CL games and based on them, i prefer Arsenal over Man Utd. And because Arsenal is still on top in the premier league i guess they're playing pretty good in their own competition aswell...
They will lose Toure to the african nations cup, and their replacement Senderos is rafiki skilled
Quote by ?? Be nice to him
you're right, edited
Thx for the compliment! Now the same paycheck and i'm a happy man
Switzerland MigrosBudgetSkilled would have been a better edit in this case
arsenal ftw @ england
if you have see the match against newcastle you can see what man united can do 6goals in 45min :)
i dont liek anelka
anelka is now the most expensive player in the history of the world based on his total transfers o.O £86.5m
started so young .. was so shit .. but now .. gl chelsea :]
hes the most expensive player ever if u add all the prices which his clubs paid :P
Need Mourinho!
no player of world class format for me tbh.
should be a good replacement for drogba ;o
Shame he's a cunt

Chavski are still gonna win fuck all
Theres just no need for this :(
lies, there's always a need to bash small clubs with no history and ex-players! :P
ye. like he'll ever get a game. hi2u Shaun
If he scores against us in the 2nd leg then I reserve the right to call him a cockknocker

Good signing though
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