Bouncer for free ?

Can I has a fucking free bouncer ?

Without if possible :

Fucking deconections & co ? :D::D::D:D:D::D:d:D:D.d:D:D:D.dD::D.d::D:D:d
i swap bouncer vs. pokemom :P
you may get a free go-fuck-yourself
helo, forum trolling is so 2006, bye
thanks for the info, "Ment".
i can give u free bnc then i take u all channels where u are op np

think its smart ask free bouncers xDD
I need oneeeeeeeee ;'<
im sorry, but no one gives ya a bnc
You can buy one for 0.59 euros per month, stop being cheap!
you want free bnc and you make demands ?
buy one like the rest.
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