Little but also big LAG problem

Yeah, I get a little lag every second and that makes my playing impossible. I wonder what could be the problem. Few time ago my ET worked some somehow - sometimes it made these little lags but when i restarted it 1 or couple times, it was perfect. Nowadays it's just this lagging. Pls help me. My computer is ok/leet so i doubt that could be the problem :)
Recent Journals:

Little but also big LAG problem
Problems with new headset
I got ET problem

heh, i knew that someone will notice that :D

Anyway, i make journal only when i really got problem.. i dont make journals about every single lolcat picture etc.

As you can see... this is my 3rd journal and i have been here over 2 years.

But back to topic ;)
You have sirious problems! U can't reply :<
[fin]pls joku kokkeli huuteloo, mutta veikkaampa että ongelmat tulee nuista ihanista pb:n service a:sta ja B:stä ja siihen ei auta mikään.[/fin]
Too sleepy to write it in english :x
pls joku jackeri... älkää sekottako mua siihen toiseen kokkeliin!!
i get BIG lag every 5 secs and that makes me mad, but i think it's not impossible to play, i still pwn with that ping :)
Lagg ftw
Reinstall pb
onks jätkäl langaton?
ei oo langaton.
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