New NC hack?

A Polish teenager allegedly turned the tram system in the city of Lodz into his own personal train set, triggering chaos and derailing four vehicles in the process. Twelve people were injured in one of the incidents. The 14-year-old modified a TV remote control so that it could be used to change track points:

Theo, wir fahr'n nach Lodz!!.. better not :D
Poland Azatej strikes again
would have been Poland Azatej, if trains were lagging.
Lagging only happens when he uses his netlimiter against retards (such as belgians)
Need that remote =P
he must be quite smart. i think i played with legos when i was 14.
and u still do!
and im pretty damn good with them too!
now u made me jealous :'(

'Lego master -- a title held by only forty people in the world.' (edit:i wonder why???)


just had to post something.
smart indeed
Nice one :D Prolly only happens in Poland with a crappy railway system xP
BB Manchester tram system
:D and :(
rotfl, he has just found out the frequency and set it on pilot and the system wasnt protected from this
oKi were u thinking the same way as he is with 14years old?
Or did u even know what freguences are or how to set them to that frenquenc?
Depends on what kind of job your parents you have.
dude, u dnt know the polish so dnt be fcking smart ;), i heard about it on tv with details. He was interested in it and only in this, got the freq from instructions to tram's mechanic and set this on universal pilot. No, i wasnt thinking in the same way = to kill ppl making an real accident, so dnt call him a genius pls
knew about frequencies when i was younger.
whats the deal?? ;D:D:D:D
Poland power lolz
Think this guy will do a lot of damage in his coming future :D
He gonna be a new genious ^^

and he will ofc rescue the world.
no matter
calm down and go outside, hope its winter where u live !
U ain't got no sarcasm detector?
What a shame !
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