Attention Whoring!!!

I know poker is overrated, overplayed, for wannabes, for fatties, for nerds, for trend-followers... BUT! I just crossed a historical moment, atleast for myself!

On the 1.12.07 I started playing poker on fulltilt, and paid 50$ on my account. Now, 6 weeks later I made the 500! <o/

image: pokerowningez4

This poker made me win 80$, and with that, the 500$ in total! (Well, I just lost 3,50$ as you might see on the pic :()

Does anyone else play poker on fulltilt? We could play some table :)

Oh, I suspect many whiner and hater comments :_(
think im up about 2500, but havent played in 2 months or something. Got kinda boring after a little over a month.

edit: this was before the dollar crashed :(
n1 gifty
shaq made 3000$ @ december :(
do they really pay out in real money?
geloof je het zelf? ze neuken je gewoon.
i'm up about about 1k$ in january already. i play on everest though :o
what limit's do you paly?
blinds 2$ / 4$, or 20$ sit n' go
with a total bankroll of 500 bucks you shouldn't be playing higher blinds than 15ct / 25ct unless you wan't to go broke as soon as you are on a downswing
Oh, it's still working and I got the discipline to stop when I won enough a day :)
well. the style you play you can actually win more money in a shorter amount of time, but you can lose it very quickly also.
with bankrollmanagement you start playing the low limits and don't win much money at first, but as soon as you move to the more profitable limits you are more save to not lose it all. i'd say in the longterm you win more with sticking to the brm, but it's your choice, what's more fun and profitable for you :>
actually it depends how much you take in to the table. I played plo200 when I had 400$ bankroll and never went broke, because there wasn't a chance to go broke. if I lose buyin (40-100$), I go back to plo100. simple as.
Ya right, pm me, i am on fulltilt aswell. But not today biatch, cu.
you fucking pwner!! if you ever start playing again tell me because you're just such a nice guy :)
You fucking wannabe, fatty, nerd and trend-follower!
Now you can afford my trip to your place next summer, don't you?
Still need to pay back 2000 Fr to my dad :D
Ok, shouldn't be a problem. Timo will pay my trip for sure! ;----D
omg this summer ill stop by at ur place! ;D
Im playing on partypoker and I lost about 60$.
I dont know how but Im always loosing to some river noobs. its so annoying. 3 aces --> lost to 4 two's, thanks to the rivercard.
und ich dachte es ist nur fulltilt die die geilsten dinge bringen :_)
mein versagen führe ich aber teilweise darauf zurück dass ich viel zu niedrige blinds spiele und deshalb die naps immer mitgehen bis zum river egal wieviel man raised :/

0,05 / 0,10 spiel ich
wenn du eher tiefe spielst, spiel 15/30, das ist ganz gut
spielst nach system oder nach gefühl? single oder multitable?

spiel eigentlich mehr nach gefühl und immer mulittable (3 tische)
irgendwie glaube ich die ganzen erfolgsstories nit :D
nur wahrscheinlich sind wir die einzigen die zugeben, dass wir verkacken
ich hab ja auch schon einige sit&go gewonnen, aber halt auch immer nur 2,50$ oder 5$ gewonnen dabei
hab jetzt nach ~einer woche 25$ verloren insgesamt
das meiste halt an so tischen mit etwas höheren blinds, weil die typen da immer höheren stack haben und mich easy callen und dann lucken :S
scheint so, ich denke nicht dass ich zu unfähig bin für poker, spiele schon ziemlich lange aber das muster wie man verliert ist halt immer gleich :D
ich geh an nen 9ner tisch, warte auf die richtige hand, und dann raise ich kontinuierlich. mann muss einfach seeeehr geduldig und diszipliniert sein, dann gehts. ich werf zb auch A2 weg, und mit toppair und low kickR werf ich wenn mich einer reraist :)
ja ist normal, aber das river luck überrascht mich dennoch immer wieder :D
ja heute morgen hab ich so 20 dollar verloren. hatte nach turn straight mit 2 karten, er bettet, ich raise, etc bis ich all in bin. er hat 2 pair und bekommt fullhouse auf river. es gibts immer wieder auf fulltit :_)
same @ party poker, friggin lotto nerdz
poker is teh win, i put 20$ 2 days ago , i'm @ 100$ atm
I has your email :XD
You dont need to deposit any money if you dont want to.. Lots of freemoney-offers and freerolls.

Its a nice hobby where you can earn some money if you are good at it. So no fear of losing money :)
nice patch 1.2 on your screen :D
nice paint @ pr0n
I paid yesterday 20$ on my account and now i made it to 63$


playing @ pokerstars
6 weeks to earn $500 isnt really gonna pay the rent! STEP IT UP
+419$ @ full tilt, but playing @ ipoker atm and have made 993$ in 8 weeks. I counted that I can do around 800-1000$/month there if I play regulary. (15h/week at least)
on the way becoming a pro! :P and what blinds you play? or sit n gos
plo50, plo100, plo200 mainly. (0,25$/0,50$, 0,50$/1$, 1$/2$)
sng's sometimes, but not that often. sometimes tourneys etc. :P
I've played poker on 5 days this month and up about 4000$. (got 3845$ of it from one tourney tho :p)
what blinds do you usually play? :P
0.25$/0.50$ PLO @ betfair

that one tourney just was part of one campaign where you had to gather enough points at betfair before the end of year and you got invited for it. there was only 34 participators and top3 won a ticket to Helsinki Freezeout 08 main event

finished 1st and sold the ticket for 2600 euros (about 3845$)
ok, this fucking rox, laul. Who bought it? Antti Autti?
actually it was betfair who bought it back and made a rebuy tourney for it + one other ticket
luäg dini pms a du aff
Pretty good flop, I wouldnt call all ins though .... never know someone catches a straight flush on turn & river!
lol what's that .jpeg you crossed out? :DD
image: hmmxv4
online poker is too boring :[
lucky fucking hand!
he outflopped his KQ opponent ONLY a little :)
he has poker of 9's
fulltilt is the best pokergame online
windows hahaha xD
da ist ein affe auf deinem kopf!
Poker is comparable to WoW. Except it takes even less skill and has no visible progression, in summary, it's a utterly boring waste of time.
the difference is:

WoW makes you lose moniez every month
Poker make you win moniez every month (if you don't suck arse)
There are obviously more people losing money in poker than winning, that's just common sense.
if you invest as much time in poker than in wow then you certainly will be a winningplayer
Of course, thats a fact. I've heard a "fact" also that 90% of the players are losers. That's not true. The percentage is more like 65-70% and 5% will make breakeven.

Kotkis made 800,000$ last year, so pretty waste of time indeed =P
I don't mean everyone can make that much, but in my opinion if someone can make decent money with poker, it would be waste of time to not play it.
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