get back to work :/

lost new series is only going to have 8 episodes.
prison break is out now, new series, episode 9, just watched it. superb :P but will suffer too if this shitty strike keeps up :/
no 24 (mibbe a good thing)
no dexter
no heroes
no battlestar

wtf you lazy yanks, get back to workkkk"!!!!! :<:<:<
dont have time to watch those series, been wanting to watch heroes and there's prolly half of pb and lost episodes that i havent seen, havent had time for 24 or dexter either :l
pb started again dunno if you want to watch that
wtf only 8 eps of Lost? That ain't nearly enuff :<
enough to hype the thing again and get a lot of blingbling!
the dexter season is over
and pb turning again
has nothing to do with lazy yanks.
i will get back there now :( feel sorry for me!
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