bb kenya, hi2u cameroon

Since i was evacuated to Uganda from Kenya some weeks ago it seems my school won't let me go back, and they're sending me to cameroon instead. That's funny, i still only have my suitcase from the one-week trip to mombasa, don't know a word of french and can't even pronounce the name of the town i'm gonna stay in. Not that i remember it either.
Gonna stay there for 3 months, and wtf I'm doing there is "student work", although i have no clue what student work in Cameroon is. Dunno when I'm going, but they say sometime within a week.

So all the swahili i've learned so far is going to waste :(, and i have to learn french!
If you need help about french :)
Good luck.
Bonne chance :]
why are u in africa in the first place :o ?
I suppose it starts with Holi and ends with days.
nice holiday if u have to be in school, eh?
Well, apparently Norway got holidays at other times :)
for 6 months? Na, this is more of an exchange-student program than an holiday..
to get a better ping

Na, it's an exchange program. Learning about different cultures, and i was supposed to live in Kenya for 6 months, and thus really get to the inside of the country. But now it seems 3 months in 2 different places, which is equally cool, except for the reason it happened..
okies... hf :)
my friends "student work" in south africa means resocializing criminal niggas! gl!
visit my profile u ll be the first wannabafricanigga on my map
kinda fucked :/ gl


I actually enjoy your journals though, give me something to reflect over.
Thank you! :)
Just use the word Rafiki a lot ;)
Asante! Wewe ni rafiki yangu =o)
Unaongea kiswahili?
What are you doing down there anyways? I mean, what was the reason you travelled down there in the first place?
get me some slaves while your there plz
Crossfire should have like a personal blog feature thing or something ... That would be cool imo
Indeed. Maybe it's good for the crossfire community to open up for more "reflective" kind of writing. I keep trying myself by posting my small updates from Africa, but from time to time i doubt i really hit the spot.
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