New track from me!

Hey i finally managed to make new track, after almost a year! You can download full version and perhaps you can say somethin' about it.

If someone wants to host this, please do. These free hosting-sites aren't that great as you well know.

Matthew Mae - Nighttraffic

Style is trance so not for every music-lover :p
edit: good good, i like the start
It's nice, well there's a certain trance in it but the only thing I don't like is the basic kick, like it's too high pitched or something..

What program do you use?
Renoise, the tracker ;)
back to da roots.

maybe buy a jomox mbase, it´s a very nice analog kick thingy. trigger it with renoise and uré fine. not my music taste, but nice sequenced.
ye not bad !! MORE BASS !!! :D
More bass would propably make it sound, well basicly nothing but BROOOMGOOOBOOMM!

I like to keep tracks as clean and sharp as possible.
trance is not about bass
Indeed it is not.
downloaded, will check it.

edit: after listening to it:

i don't like it. it's too slow. i like trance, but i'm pretty picky when it comes to it.
the intro-thing takes too long and when you finally start the mid-song-melody, there's not enough spunk to keep me entertained.

good effort tho!
Too bad you don't like it :/

But i have to be a bitch a bit, intro SHOULD be long enough (for mixing purposes) - there must be enough beat only to make it easily mixable, for dj's you know ;)

edit: And about track being slow, i've intentionally made it slower than usual (125bpm). Again, for dj's - dj's can pitch it up if they want to, in fact - the track will sound much better faster. But i've also thought about those dj's who play this kind of trance, slower and deeper :)
very nice
if its ur 1st song, so its very nice, but:
overall is the song not good coz of many factors
Not even close to first song, i've made music from late 1999 ;)
nice, but RTPN > U if it comes to finland =p
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