explain to me

<Da`rex> Need 1 SKilled smg! msg me! low+/med-

i dont get it.
<kenta> 6v6 high now
add: (no cheaters)
whats the problem here?

you mean u can only write "skilled" on IRC if youre wnb med+ or what?
i think the combination of "smg msg me" confused him ^_^
thats what i dont get i thought skilled meant med+/high =S
what? there was once a time when 'skilled' meant practically only EC teams, then it became EC teams and teams which sometimes played against them. then, the famous med+/high skilled teams who nobody seemed to know yet considered themselves pros were added to the list. the low+/med skillers are merely the next in line waiting to join the club.
haha, funny :o)
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