Nice try ET folks!

So as you all know, ETQW got it's long lost 1.4 patch just now and with it the ETQW:TV wich will now generate huge amount of intrest towards the game. Along with the TV there were multiple awesome balance fixes and cool graphix enhancements guaranteed to bring ETQW to the same level of popularity with games like cs and ut. Basicly this patch was going to make ETQW freaking huge and this left "The others" scared shitles wondering about the survival of their cheating lifestyle. By the others i obviously mean the ET scene and they just knew, once this patch saw daylight, ET would be over.

So the only course of action was decided and like hacking med skills as they are, they hacked the 1.4 patch. A small untraceable virus was implanted somewhere inside the patch code making all the servers crash randomly bringing a stop to high skilled gaming around the world. Chaos ensued and future looked grim for the ETQW high skill community. The med skills had succeeded in their plan to destroy high skilled clean gaming, or so they tought. What the med skills had forgotten was that non-cheaters are not stupid and solved this mystery in less time it took the med skills to say "f*ck mi silly ! They went and caught me again !" and thus the world was once again safe.

This great victory marks a new era in cheat-free gaming! We have shown them that their cheating ways will not work against us and we will continue to grow as the best clean highskilled gaming scene in the world !!

rofl ETQW will never be better then ET.
Cant be arsed reading.. ETQW is shit what a load of shit that you typed it...

Et = 2003 and has better gameplay that ETQW.. i dont give a shit what you people think gaming is all opinions
nice history.
Sry, i will make an ET version shortly after with big letters and simple english so you guys can read it too.
Simple engrish you mean?
Btw, your English isn't very good actually.
Quote by kullervanoobETQW to the same level of popularity with games like cs and ut.

hope its sarcasm :<
indeed.... cs is popular... ut is not...
ut is soooooo popular
ETQW will never be as good as ET.

And quakewars is already dead anyway.
ET > all games out there, though it is laggy and buggy but we still love it! <3
kullervanoob, you again?

When are you ever going to start growing brains?
Are u trying to make fun of etqw or what's the point :D ?

This text is ridiculous if u wrote it in earnest
yoyoo spirea whats up? :D
same old :)

I should study but I'm just here :D
hehe :) iam hanging around and dont know what to do -.-'
ET > ET:QW tbh

This patch won't change much if you ask me.
HAHAHAHAAHAH u made my day
"Along with the TV there were multiple awesome balance fixes and cool graphix enhancements guaranteed to bring ETQW to the same level of popularity with games like cs and ut."

Dude? Serious? Ye thats what happend when ET got ETTV!
stfu! when ET got ettv alllllll games died! including cod & cs!!!!!11
lol'd nothing much to say
QuoteAlong with the TV there were multiple awesome balance fixes and cool graphix enhancements

ETQW sux! The only game i look out for is rtcw 2 :>
same here!

Although I believe that the release of RTCW2 will take another 10 years or so.
you are is retard
join plz some etqw community site.
or die in a dark corner
lets ask tosspot to ban ETQW from and let them go to their own site! = ET!!!
yes that would be a good idea
got better idea: letz ask tosspott to ban him for being such an stupid ass
sad to notice how slow ET players are :(

image: Troll-Doll
I keep refreshing this journal because I enjoy the amount of flame that gets written in here :)
flame flame flame
keep dreaming
"bring ETQW to the same level of popularity with games like cs and ut"

They should be glad to get at the same lvl of popularity as image: 026_lucky_nerd has with women.
What do you wan to tell us?

Either play the game or shut the fuck up and leave it.
Why should anyone of us read it? What is the sense of this post?
To show us your insane highskill, while you are telling all medskillers are cheater and noobs. Please get out and be proud of your fuckn Skill.

Seriously I have never seen such a retarded person as you.

btw: ET is bringing a lot of joy to many players, also to those who do not aim to be successful, because there are also tounaments for those. Furthermore ET has had a lot more professionality than ET:QW will ever have. ET has a big name in the eSport scene, which ET:QW needs to achieve first of all.

If ET:QW in the Year 2013 will stay as big as ET is at the moment, then I will delete my comment. kkthxbb
U just moved to ET cause u sucked on qw.
No I didnt suck. I just stopped ET:QW because it got too small
Quote by kullervanoobonce this patch saw daylight, ET would be over

Nope. After this patch there would be no swedish/finnish players :p
as if I would touch something crap like QW :O
are you on drugs?
Once again "the kullerva effect" hit the ET players with rage and anger never seen before flashing back straight to him.

you all have gotten kullervanized, feel pwned.
I think he's the one making fool of himself in here
disagreed, though u are allowed to have different opinions, so for me this matter is finished nad discussed. =)
well kinda asinine behaviour trying to act very cool on the internetz just finally making a clown of himself
best troll in xfire imo :P DONTKNOWWHATASININE MEANS
that's why I used the word :)
This is the 2nd best journal ever written, after the first journal kullerva wrote. ET G0T OWNED11
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