Did you know 2.0

2fast4mana again and again
lolz u guys are pathetic thinking u pwn me in spamming :DDD
the amateurs always first when im not online. :D
Those facts are just 'meh'
I expected some conspiracy theories...
true, but while this presentation puts to spotlight onto positive things, ppl should be educated more about the negative side like global warming and 3rd world country's imo
Agree with you, they should ALSO be educated about the negative side.
yup, when ppl are fixed 2much on the negative sides, they tend to get numb cuz of the overkill
couldn't agree more :)
not that it has anything to do with anything mentioned above but: we share the same name :X
true, you don't see our name alot with 2 t's and h.
idd, besides me, i only know one now i think of it
nice flagchange =D
:DD only used it to convince some1 i was english :X he even fell for it --.--, funny thing is that i've played in a clan with him and he didn't even recognize my nick...wp?
Al Gore fan?
nope, but it the truth...the future isn't looking that bright anymore :)
Al Gore is full of lies though.
ofc, he is using nothing but worstcase scenario's however some things are true and should be taken care of...if only china and america would help a little bit, things would be alot better
You can't expect that from China imo. They have grown magnificently the last years, but it is too early to expect from them to do everything like it should. They just don't have the knowledge, the money nor the skills for it.
not the money? not the skills or knowledge? please :)

because of globalisation and neo-liberalism the financial superpowers are all over China with alot of money and the best engineers so they do have the knowledge...China just still is a communistical country where, like in old SU, not everything is going as legal as it should be, they earn fortunes on the back of the very poor population...China is growing each year however the salaries of the normal worker are becoming less :S

anyways, ppl think it's becoming a bubble which will burst in a couple of years, such a growth is simply impossible
I'm not sure it will burst, but it will surely calm down, and increase on a more gentle pace like Europe's countries.
Rhand China could be very fast evolving in a nature-"caring" society. Wherever it sees profit it will invest in, and the hype of anti-exhaust fumes is way to attractive to just ignore.
And they don't have the knowledge, the money or the skills? Plz...
it's easy to just say 'Wrong.', what are your arguments?

EDIT: oh and plz stop the arrogant endings of your sentences :)
What does my arguments matter? I highly doubt it will change something in the way you think, which I don't even care enough about to even consider typing all kinds of arguments.

I just find your opinion highly amusing.

And what arrogant endings?
Got any counter-facts to that opinion? Or just random thoughts like "We didn't cause global warming"?
What does my arguments matter? I highly doubt it will change something in the way you think, which I don't even care enough about to even consider typing all kinds of arguments.

I just find your opinion highly amusing.
You merely try to use arrogance to hide your lack of scientific and economic background...

But hey, if I'm too low for you to even consider debating about it, then you can fuck off :)
Lies? Such as?
It would be easier to tell the little truths in his work, but I don't see the benefit of it, so try and figure out for yourself.
Ok fair enough, just give me one fact which he mentions that is not true.
That it's our fault.
You are telling me seriously that we did not influence the global warming?
Did I deny we may have influenced it? I'm just saying that the human race isn't the big bad evil monster like Gore wants everybody to believe.
Based on what facts or studies? Please give a link to one of the "numerous studies" that contradict this.
If you're too lazy to look for them, not my problem. The fact that you ask me for studies that might prove the opposite of what Al Gore is saying, proves more to me then anything else you might say.
Yep you're right, you're the smart one.
I didn't say that. Thanks for the compliment tho.
it is :) their are alot of studys that prove it?

it is true that because of other reasons the earth could heat up such as the elips that the earth is following, how the axel of the earth is positioned to the sun and one more afaik but nowadays it's caused by the tremendous influx of greenhouse-gasses caused by human activity
If you believe that the human-related CO2 in the air, which is 3%, while CO2 only makes out 0.04% of the air, then that is your choice. I believe different things.

There are also a lot of studies that deny that?
on what do u base ur numbers? and who calculated those?
You are questioning the fact that 0.04% of the air consists out of CO2? Or only that 3% is from human-related sources?
Haha that statement is actually pretty funny. Due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by about 35% since the beginning of the age of industrialization. CO2 is indeed only 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere, but this includes all layers from Troposphere to Exosphere. I guess you have no idea what a runnaway greenhouse effect might do when it kicks in, you think Belgium will just be a little bit warmer in the winters? Lol dude, the Earth might undergo the same process that Venus once went through, and look at it now, Venus has the densest atmosphere of all the terrestrial planets, consisting mostly of CO2, as it doesn't have a carbon cycle to lock carbon back into rocks and surface features. And your 0.04% might suddenly increase once the ice caps melt, since those give home to billions of tons of CO2.

Perhaps you didn't follow your science courses cause you should, at least when you want to try to talk about anything related to science.

Perhaps add another "wrong" as reply, that would surely prove your point.
You don't really get it, do you? I'm not trying to prove anything. I don't care weither you believe this or that. I believe what I believe and everyone who believes the bullshit coming from Al Gore's mouth is just a big loser, to express it in a term that would be understandable by everyone here.

I'm not here trying to convince you or anyone else for that matter. If you want to be so stupid, be my guest.
Well thanks for insulting me and so many others Rhand :)

I guess the Nobel committee also are big losers and so stupid :)
Indeed. Finally talking some sense.
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