smartest ppl on crossfire ololol

So i was bored of checking spam so I wondered if there were any smart people on crossfire xD
Who are the smartest with teh brainzors knowledgez and skillez?


i guess me
toxic is able to describe black holes and their working according to his IQ
It doesnt depend on IQ
perfo is stupid , but hes a nice streettalk nigger
Hmmmm, high IQs only seem to show to me that people can be very good at IQ tests.
1. sym
2. sym
3. sym
every1 stfu about IQ tests, they mean shit
yours didnt go very well i presume?
oh please, i'm not gonna explain it all but here are 2 examples:

- Rooney might not score good on an IQ test but he does have an amazing mathematical sight into things...he knows almost exactly where, how hard and in what angle he needs to shoot the ball so it'll land straight in a teammates feet while they are both running...

- Bach also might not score high on the IQ tests, however he does have an incredibly high EQ, since he knew how to compose brilliant classical music which flows nicely into eachother without being able to play all the instruments

The answers of IQ tests aren't selected by the smartest person on the earth but more on how the average person would respond to the question

I'll prolly get tons of flame by ppl who don't believe a word of what i'm saying so before u even bother to post anything, i'll only respond to a decent reply :)
you are 100% correct.
I guess the first thing is basically what we call 'conditioning' or 'learned by practice'. Of course not every situation is the same, but Rooney probably encountered situations as such before and thus he knows about exactly in what angle and how hard he should shoot the ball (also has to do with insight).

About EQ, I don't think Bach needs EQ to make his music nicer to listen to, but rather a musical feeling or a musical talent which he certainly had. Furthermore I really doubt the outcome of EQ-tests seeing as the EQ is, according to me, no measurable feature of a certain person.

A high IQ, I think, is what makes people pick up languages earlier, make links between certain subjects more easily, are able to learn certain skills more easily, etc. This is why most child prodigies have a very high IQ
you're trying too hard.
just sharing my Norway ViZion, let me!
thats not conditioning :D and about the musical skills its much more of a mathmatical talent imo.
ik kon het woord voor vallen en opstaan niet vinden, dus toen dacht ik maar daaraan maar het is idd niet het juiste.

and why would making music require mathematical skills? :D
trial and error ;o?
ja die ja, lolz
ye music is maths it are all patterns, i believe some musical people think and process music in a mathmatical way. I dont know much about it but some friend said it to me:p.
My IQ is very low but i'm able to shoot an ball inside the goal

i win imo

epic fail
nope, it isn't conditioning because else every1 could be as good as Rooney, if he just practices enough. He has a talent which allows him to calculate those vectors between 2 points.

same goes for Bach, his EQ does help him care away ppl with his music, if u pick out 100 000 ppl and u all give them the same education, not every1 will be able to compose plays like Bach did.

I think, on a certain level, IQ could maybe mean something, but not the normal one, since the normal tests answers are based on what the majority of the ppl answer.

for example, einstein: in school he never was had high grades, not because he didn't study enough but just because he couldn't do this own thing, he had to listen how the majority of the ppl should be educated...only when he started on his own and started thinking outside of the box he started developing his famous theories. So in other words, when u handed einstein the IQ-test he wouldn't score extraordinairy high however his thinking made immense theories that no1 believed in first because they seemed so impossible

and damn, this is getting long :X
It's because Rooney has a lot of talent for what he does. The same goes for Bach, he obviously had a lot of talent in composing music and thus his compositions were pure brilliance.

About the learning-thing: everyone can learn to play for example piano if they have the dedication and certain skill to play it. Lets say: if we have two persons learning to play the piano for the exact same time and both start from score, the person with the most affinity for playing the piano (most talent) will play a certain piece significantly better. May he have better insight, better feeling, better remembrance of how to play the piece, or whatever. I don't think this has much to do with IQ, however if one of both players had a LOT higher IQ and more talent as well I guess we can conclude that the one with higher IQ learned the piece more easily than the one with less IQ (I think there is scientifical evidence to support this claim, not sure though).

And I fully agree with the last part about einstein :p But I still think he would score high on IQ tests that aren't broadcasted on television (those tests are for noobs) but by real organisations such as Mensa is in Holland, I can't imagine someone with his intelligence scoring 'average'.

and yes it is getting long, man i feel retarded
isn't talent and intelligence ( the bigger intelligence, not just being able to study alot of things in a short period ) somehow related?
I mean, when one is able to study large amounts of information in a short timescale he simply has the talent to do so, and that talent simply makes him intelligent?

Same goes for the piano-part: because one of them has somehow a bit more talent to study a part fast, doesn't make him smarter than a player who just 'feels' the way the notes should be connected to make it sounds coherent or how he wants it.

And einstein, oké, i might overreacted a bit, since he is a very smart person he idd would score pretty good on a good test, however i think he wouldn't score as good as he should, when comparing to others.

anyways, u could be right, and i'm not saying i'm right. i'm not basing myself on scientific facts or anything, just things i've picked up.
since it's getting only longer and longer, i think it's best to stop unless u have something that could prove mine or your wrong :P
hehe i'm not saying i'm right either it's just nice to share views :D
and your view is pretty similar in this comment to mine, so no comment! :p
lol k, think we found a sort of concencus here :P wp
Ireland sol
Sweden LoTiX
England Sock
that aizen guy is rly stupid, now known as kazuu btw
no i claimed it
me, chaplja, tosspot ^^
Skandinavia Clown tbh :o!
Kenta, Malczik and Junky.
ik kom extreem slim over maar in werkelijkheid google ik eerst alle moeilijke woorden om de exacte betekenis ervan vast te stellen om op die manier geen flater te slaan! this contradicts to the messure of the high involvement system wich has an enormous influence nowadays
some of the smartest around here are (at least in terms of knowing what they are talking about)
Belgium overdrive
United Kingdom madscientist (actually he's from mauritius or whatever)
England sock

They think they know what they're talking about, but do they really?!
image: einstein
1st United Kingdom madscientist
2nd Croatia chaplja
3rd Belgium overdrive
4th Finland Feuersturm
wnb Netherlands perforator !
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands teKoa
Finland Xpaz
because he has big knowledge in many languages :D
john rambo
banaan kan niet eens nederlands:p, sorry banaan;0
ik praat atm chinees of niet dan
nee nl toch kardesh
hadi ik ga ff world of padman doen :<
n1 all gamers are nerd
bb quitgaming
what the fuck, so we base this on the posts people make on a gaming forum..
i'd have to say me for drinking my tea, holding my dick and posting this on the same time.
smartes ppl are those, who can read your useless journals, whine, flame and insults, and then pray to god and thank him for fully functional brain.
me, I get my phD in July u thickies.........

(didn't cost me much either) xD
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