Rivatuner hacky?

Okay, got a probably noob question (feel free to spam and whine if it pushes your ego in any way):

Whats the thing about Rivatuner? I always read this to be hax etc.
Plz tell me whats the "hacky" thing about it ;)

Thx to the useful comments on this
you,can use rivatuner only for your gamma settings but not more..its not allowed to remove the trees,bushes and so one

*edit, you can remove the bushes,trees the whole particles so.. you can easy see the enemy and shoot true the trees.. and thats not allowed.. only for your gamma settings as i told*
With rivatuner you can make the gfx so ugly that the brushes, trees and certain other parts arnt shown anymore. Basiccly till every texture is just one color and I think after a certain level of tweaking the weapon spread goes completley away aswell.
ye your crosshair will be removed so you need a new crosshair "there are crosshair hacks.. for rivatuner also not allowed"
it does nothing with weapon spread imo (just cant see the xhair)
hm dunno really but I think it was screenshake or sth else very hacky besides the uberhigh picmip :X
the 'hacky' thing is when you change the lodbias, do not do that else you will be banned asap
riva tuner is fully legal, just look @ razz [badjoke]

u can use it but there are some limits
i could give you a tutorial...
lol no idea why i still have this cause it looks pretty fucking retarded
this is even from way before the stuff with razz lol
omg thats a gay thing...
but rly hard to detect i think =(
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