rugby vs soccer

Netherlands aQute made a comment in a thread:

and i think he's right, football really is for pussys nowadays. always whining against the referee, always making drama about being in pain.

maybe i'm predujicing too much, cause i think football is the worst sport ever, but what do you think?

imo it's 90% drama

other examples:
football is nice.. but you are right with the drama.. there are to much whiners that cant loose like in et ;) but you will find those guys everywhere
imo, you only find those players there when the sport is going big / popular
ye you're right but rly you got them overall its like 10/1 chance 9 players are cool and 1 is a flamer you know? and ofc footbal is very big and popular so more flamers ;)
not true, the drama is part of the game
hellow, ti kanis?
ksereis ellinika??
(translation: you know greek?? :)
iam learning greek since iam living now in greece "Nea Amissos" :)
do you have relatives her?
ye my whole family is here but not my mother "she kicked me out of house in germany,, so iam living in greece now @ my father and so on" :)
is your father greek? your mother surely knew what she was doing, life in greece is so much better than the rest of europe, always sunny weather, better lifestyle/going out life. only the salaries and internet really suck, but you will learn to get over them. btw if you decide to become full-time greek, come ts2 @ in the evening and @ irc @ #team-gr8, all the greeks gather there (we are really few in number though :'()
ok cool :D *iam in, in the ts2*
football is kind of gay
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
aQute @ smartness? o0

true shit though.
i played rugby, cos well, i was too big to play football lol. rugby (union) is a non-professional gentlemans game , played by thugs, football is just well, full of pussys. i still love watching it though, and support rangers...hmmmm. scottish football ftw :P
i nevah saw a rugbymatch so i neither understand it so i keep it with soccer
its just the mentality it seems. footballs is underhanded these days, going down easily to get a freekick, or pretending to be in pain to try to get your opponent sent off. in rugby you cant show weakness. it doesnt matter ifan 18 stone samoan has just steamrolled you got to get back and and make him think that it wasnt shit to you.

and the other thing is injuries. if a player in footballs head starts bleeding and he carries on playing ts considered an "heroic" performance. but in rugby theres like at least 3 players bleeding everyday.

football is a gentlemans game played by thugs, rugby is a thugs game played by gentleman
"if a player in footballs head starts bleeding and he carries on playing ts considered an "heroic" performance"

you are not even allowed to be on the field if you are have a bleeding head with football...that is how much of a pussy sport it has become!
rugby is better to play, football is better to watch \o/
ffs its not fucking soccer!

and football >>>> rugby aniday .

QuoteFootball a game made by gentlemen, played by hooligans. Rugby a game made by hooligans, played by gentlemen.
maybe thats true in non-professional football...
but in professional football...all the hooligans are on the benches in the stadiums and the pansy's are on the field pretending to be hurt for a free kick...
"oh oh oh oh it hurts so much ohohoh... o what? we got a free kick? ... IM FINE!! np for me!"
out of thousands of football players there might be around 100 people that might do that you think the game is bad because of 100 people ?
omg dont be so 15yr old!
read what i said!
"all the hooligans are on the benches"
that does NOT mean:
"everyone on the bench is a hooligan"
ffs get it?

edit: btw YOU were the one saying that football is played by hooligans..
read what i said and stfu
go to school...
basketball > all
Football is the best sport on earth

Rugby is quite cool though

i totally agree with Netherlands aQute!

oh wait...
Sunday league footie is betta:P
American Football > Rugby > Football
lol if you say so
Instant reply skillz
More likely ur internet connection was down :<

But maybe u hav life

just maybe
Maybe you don't either :)
Rugby > all
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