Falling under your spell

Yawn, only had three hours sleep and I've got a 1000 word essay to finish for a lesson I'm supposed to be in right now but it has to be done before 2pm.

It has started raining heavily and there was lightening a short while ago. On the bright side, I should be going to pick up my new earphones when I've finished with the two lessons (Shure SE210) and possibly a new pair of trainers, although the order looks delayed.

Anyone's day been as boring as mine? :(

782 words...821...838 argh the pace is slowing...906 almost there...
iam free till the sommer season is there then i got a job ;)
Quoteonly had three hours sleep

Welcome to my life.
That's because you play too much ET :>
yep i am working on a paper but i cant really concentrate and get distracted so i end up commenting on xfire..
That's all you ever do you lazy bastard
Im supposed to write something about how i might approach designing a supermarket shopping service :D

but im way to lazy #_#

and why cant you search on piratebay with a+ or c++ >,l<
just put in some random bullshit, or make sentences longer :D
you remind me of 2 years ago when i was still fucking my life up by playing untill late in the night and therefor sucking at school, glad im over that =)

if ur gonna be staying up all night, let it be because of sum partying instead of sitting behind ur desk alone at home. it will brighten up ur life!
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