Kenya 'turned into killing field'
BBC NEWS | Africa | Kenya 'turned into killing field'

why is everyone always killing eachother in africa? There is always somekind of wars fighting, images of africans chasing eachother, going around in jeeps with ak47's. Also all this images of skinny sick people who have no food and are living in the desert under some cloths. i mean what the fuck is up! we r here playing et and stuff while every second some more fuckers kill eachoother in africa. Just think about it.. isnt it prettty weird?
Thats the spirit of Capitalism.
God damn communist.
The world isn't black and white. :p
I know that, just felt like saying that.
I'm anyway in the middle of socialism and capitalism, so I shouldn't complain about socialists.
I'd rather them go around with ak47's than machetes anyway..
Tbh we shud just drop a big ass bomb on Africa, bye problems :)
Violence never solves problems, it only creates even more problems.
you are even more retarded then i thought!
nice addition for lasses pic!
oh plz, react more serious to this and make a bigger as out of yourself. it's a god-fucking-damned joke dude... :/
if this was meant funny, you failed
Let them get on with it, as long as it doesn't effect us who gives a shit
who is in the "us" group :>
All those it doesn't effect :P
During the colonialism the europeans literally seperated the country with lines ignoring the tons of ethnic groups and peoples they seperate with that or force to living together although they never were able to do that before and not letting ppl moving with their animals like many used to do.
This is the major problem with the african country.
Then throw in tons of natural supplies and some europeans,americans,asians without any conscience and voila you have conflicts between the clans to get to the best natunal ressources and make the most money and proove that they are the biggest clan.
In most countries the clan that controls the ressources is also is the goverment and surely the other clans do not like this and try to get it back.
These rivarlies were already going on before the europeans divided the continent but they were strenghten by that.
Hate is created, civilians murdered, ppl moving.
all these reasons like establishing a democratic system or fighting against someone elses believe are pretty much bullshit.
Weak argument.
i couldnt care less what you think
nice view but a bit too unclear written to understand clearly, try a bit more on clarity next time, but fir the rest Very Good
i wrote that up at 5 am :O
Silkroad is the best game to make of you a nolife , just look freek (XD jk )

I have some probs at school too but not so much as some guys , I see.

I don't sleep much , I can't sleep much , I have a voice that say " GO PLAY SILKROAD GOGO " and then , plouch , computer is open :( , it's maybe jesus that wanna make a god of me on sro , np
Almost none of you understand what's happening down there, neither do I.
Plekter explained pretty well to me though. (he lived there when all this happened, but had to flee to Uganda (or smth))

Waiting for plekter's comment! :P
We should send Jack Bauer to africa. It would take him two weeks to solve all those problems. He could do it in two days, but he likes to go wrestle with the lions and badmouth giraffes for over a week.
Psssh, Chuck Norris could get rid of the whole problem with one punch, the only problem is that the earth could split in two then.
Jack Bauer would torture himself for so long that he would came up with the idea to resolve world hunger.

Besides, Chuck Norris would use a roundhouse kick.
Chuck Norris wouldn't torture himself to resolve world hunger, he would simply let them taste his fist.

If Chuck Norris used a roundhouse kick, where would all the people live?
nP for chuck norris
alot headshots
Uk should still own it then np
speak for ur own mr we r here playing et and stuff while every second some more fuckers kill eachoother in africa. Just think about it.. isnt it prettty weird

you think about yourself kid before judgin them fuckers or not.
lol were all fuckers
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