need your help, pleaseee

so, i got a serious problem.
Yesterday evening my sister asked me to record "prisonbreak" and i said "kk np4me". But i forgot about it cause i was reading xfire journals.
Tis morning when i stand up, she asked me "You didnt forget to record prisonbreak, right?" and i was like 'argh fuuuuuck' and said "nonono, np i recorded".
When she will be back from school she will (try to) watch prisonbreak but as i forgot to record it there wont be a fil on the dvd-recorder and wheni i come back she will kill me.

What I ask you to do now for me is giving me a link to the last prisonbreak episode, if possible in german. I would be very thankful and stuff

Yours sincerely
open write prison break german, and voila
is there no possibility to watch it like youtube?

But k found the torrent. Thank you
hf getting beaten up by your sister, it's fucking impossible to download the episode on your PC
im really afraid of her beats and explosives
could you record your sister beating you up and put it on youtube?
good 1 :D lol
maybe ?
sorry, there is no way to download it
there is a site where you can just watch it.. but I forgot :(
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