Computer Problem..

Ok so, i've got a problem!

I've been putting some movies on my external hard drive, which went fine.

But all of a sudden, when I now open my external hard drive, my explorer.exe crashes and gives me this error that something went wrong and that they need to close it...

And it ****ing ****s.

Thanks in advance

» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.

cant help you bro, im just here for the spam!

EDIT1: lol'd:

Dire Straits - Heavy Fuel: "last time i was sober, man i felt bad, worst hangover that i ever had, ate 6 hamburgers, and scotch all night."
Windows Explorer is an application that is part of modern versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system that runs on top of the Windows operating system and provides a graphical user interface for accessing the file systems, though is not integral to the running of a Windows computer. It is the component of the operating system that presents the user interface on the monitor and enables the user to control the computer. It is sometimes referred to as the Windows GUI shell, or simply “Explorer”.

it has nothing to do with the browser.
oh ok :) thx :)
"...EDIT2: use firefox ffs."

Intelligent [/endsarcasm]
hmm but its only when you want acces to your harddrive right?
Yes, actually I can browse trough the folders for like 10 seconds, and than it goes boom.

And it's only on my external, my internal is fine...
okay maybe there is blocking smth in the background.. or try to put the external on a another computer from a friend or brother,sister what ever when it works then your windows is fucked up :)
allright, i'll try that, thanks
I might have found the error.

Explorer.exe doesnt crash when i'm browsing trough my fotos on my external, it's only when I open The movies folder, so i guess one of the movies is crashing it?
ye could be when it doesnt crash in the pic fotos and crash at the movies.. i think so that 1 movie will crash the folder :) and send an error that he cant open
Well it doesn't send an error that it can't open.. It just closes the browser + (I don't know what its called) The bar at the bottem of the screen :)
ye i think 1 movie is crashed :)
Woohoo, found it, thank you very much
zijde gij ziek,
Ja, keelontsteking :XD
windoze trying to figure out resolution and length of random crashed movie
no random pic = no help hmkay?!!!!!
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