dm_83 vs 84

Hi i want to watch some old demos but guess what dm_83 damn how i can change that crap? :(
just rename it to dm_84
agree with that!
its really as easy as that
hum i cant.. i already change the name but nothing.. properties-> change name dm_84
Well I mean change the 3 into a 4
and let the whole demo like it is just change the last nr.
You can see "Ficherio dm_83" on two of them on your pic.
i know that was the problem -.-'
but is already solved :)
rename ur xxxx.dm_83 to

tens d por para ver as terminaçoes dos ficheiros, vais aos meus documentos->ferramentas->opcoes d pastas->ver-> e tiras a setinha q esta em Ocultar extensoes para tipos d ficheiros e ja conseges ver, dps é so mudar
prob solved tass bem obrigadao :)
Just rename it to .dm_84 =)

hf !
i cant i changed the name but the type still the same
You have to enable an option in Map Options to show extensions

Or open them with Winrar
Hmmm, it works for me when I just rename it. weird if it doesnt work for you, tho :o
already change it archy teach me how :)
Nice :P

Btw, what demos ? ;o Anything good ? =D I would like to see em too if its from some good match :D
Parent just go to et scene and start choosing the ones :D
I'v already seen all the good demos from there :P njah njah
i dont :7 so will finish this and start searching another site :}
hm, maybe hang urself?
omfg youre looking ugly!!!!
you failed, accept it instead of making dumb comments
your face failed!
sigh, why dont you post yours?
youre feeling sad cause others are beatyful, dont you
are you really 23 years old? man i feel sorry for your underdeveloped brain

edit: its beautiful, not beatyful
edit2: Member For: 4 days
its friday, not nerdday, so np 4 drunken ppl @ house party and 15 ppl are laughing cause youre foolish AHAHAHA its party. thx for your humour skillz!!
np for fakeacc tard
Let's face it, we both know you're home alone, sitting in your room, lights off, and spamming Crossfire because you haven't got a life.
ok, your replies are the fantastic highlight here
Hey, you're welcome. I like making no-lifers laugh. How do I know you're a no-lifer, and that there's no 15 friends at your place?
If you've got 15 friends coming over, you DON'T go sit behind your PC, browse xfire and have a good laugh at people posting it. Nice try at an excuse though! Keep 'em coming =)
ok ,last time i try to explain for underbrained nerds: im not at my pc, last time i saw my flat is 3 days ago. was sitting here around and surfing at songza, so thought about look at cf and replied some bullshit, an youre the fool who is replying again and again cause youre afraid. bb hero
You do realise that you made a mistake, didn't you?
A few pointers:
1. You haven't been in your apartment for 3 days. Then how can you host a party here?
2. Stop lying. Lying sucks and makes you look pathetic.
3. So I'm replying, who cares? Ain't no crime in that.
4. Maybe you haven't noticed, but YOU're replying as well. (I'm expecting you'll stop after this to "show you're lifer" or something.)
5. Afraid? Of what? Some random guy that thinks he's Mr. Party yet refreshes xfire all the time? Some random that I'll never meet in RL anyway? What's there to be afraid of?

Your reasoning and replies gave me a good laugh, thanks for that.

A Happy Person
i never make mistakes, not even those your mother did at your birth. WHERE IS THE SENTENCE WHO SOMEBODY SAID ITS AT MY HOME? i tried it 3 times to explain, i said im at house party, so whats on jew? i am at a house party. i am at a house party!!! you understand? never mentioned where it is. wp @ mocking yourself
How nice that you can only find a retort (that I actually expected) to 1 thing, and keep on focusing on that one thing, and since you can't find an answer to the rest of my points, you just insult me, thinking you're funny, or at least hurting my feelings. Guess what, second fail tonight =)
sitting at your computer on a party, i reckon you are mr. Cool himself
telling lies makes you look damn retarded, and on this site there are 2000 people to laugh at you, thats a bit more than the 15 nonreal persons you talk about
ok, now youve just recognized you lost. sitting here NOT at my pc, and if it would be just 5k ppl laughing, the 15 here are even real, not masking with ips :D HURENSOHN
Quote by lilaok, now youve just recognized you lost

quote me plz
Nice engrish, tard.
oh sry, maybe you dont know what to do alone at home?
sounds like you two have got smth in common
Why, actually I do. I'm currently writing the scenario for a fantasy game, chatting, listening to music, downloading other music, AND replying to your bullshit at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking, huh?

EDIT: Maybe you don't know about proper spelling?
this is the point, youre alone...
What point? I'm having fun, doing what I like: writing. You're OBVIOUSLY alone as well. Are you doing what you like? Refreshing xfire and making useless comments trying to achieve something that doesn't make you any better?
Winning an internet discussion is like winning the Paralympics: even if you win, you're still a retard ;-)
Btw: If I have people coming over, I don't sit behind my PC, I talk to the people, have fun with them. Laughing at pixels isn't my idea of fun =)
Have you even got one, fatty?
At least he's good-looking enough to post a pic of himself, and not some random internet cartoon.
n1, mister, you checked the game, congratz to more iq then any other in this yournal
Spammer 8-[

Tell me where I can find good config for ET ? :7 Too lazy to make one.

Thx anyway !
Parent my old config!!!
I already found :P
killin' yourself is the best solution, I think :c
sooo easy :p
just change the 3 into a 4, BUT enable file-extensions (dunno how its called in english) otherwise he'll just do:

xxx.dm_83 => xxx.dm_84.dm_83 (what happened in your screenshot)
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