Need pc help plz!

last night i tried to put my pc on and it said like my hard drive wasn't like working and shit and wouldn't actually go on

so i formatted my pc and i can't install my nvidia ge force 6600 gt drivers because it says vga isn't installed does anyone have a link to get it working or something lol?

i'm really shit at pc stuff :D

EDIT: It's fixed now thx for help :D
install vga
Huomenta Sami
normally kicking it works
no no no! :D
get some m/b and bios drivers too
I agree! It must be hacks, it can't be something else!
Lololol :D ye my hacks got fucked! :o

nah my aol kept turning itself off and then stopped working and then my hard drive stopped working :x
instal chipset drivers and shit
cant sorry;XD<3
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