how to write windows xp disc?

how do I write a bootable disc?
i followed some tut somewhere and the cd doesnt work
i have 1 more cd so make it count crossfire

oh btw i got my new pc!1111
2x1gb corsair pc-6400
fsp 500w bluestorm
najs TT soprano case
Euh , I vaguely remeber howto ,i'll google for a min

Try this :

Or this :
it's always bootable, just make sure your pc boots through the cdrom drive, you can set that up in your bios (press either delete or f2 at pc-boot).
no, the disk is corrupted
I guess you have to burn it like all other CD's. Then you have to change something in the bios, so your computer will boot on the disc and not on the hard drive (shit english sorry :D)
image: InSovietRussiaTelevisionWatchesYou!

has nothing to do with it but while googling for random pics about 'make it count' i found this :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

no idea btw
nice pic at ur profile :D
i dont know!
i dont understand the first link
besides i dont want a boot-disc i want an install disc
Then write it. No other way than to use "illegal filesharing" for downloading xp.
burn it as iso
You could use nero burner.

File, new.
Select CD rom, or DVD (boot)
Select your image
No emulation
Set Load segment of sectors to "07C0"
Set Number of loaded sectors to "4"
Now click the "ISO" tab
Set File-/Directory length to ISO Lvl 1 Max. of 11 = 8 + 3 chars
Set Format to Mode 1
Set Character Set to ISO 9660
Check all relax ISO restrictions
Now Click the "Label" Tab
Select ISO9660 from the drop down box.
Enter the Volume Label as BootableDVD or whatever you want.
Click the "Burn" tab
Check Write
Check Finalize CD (No further writing possible!)
Set Write Method to Disk-At-Once
Press the "New" button
Locate the folder e.g. C:\Files
Select everything in the folder and drag it to the ISO compilation panel.
Click the Write CD Dialog button.
Press "Write"

sry fred but i dont want to make a new journal just because of 1 question :

cl_avidemo 30 or 50 or 100 or whateva ?
what shall i use for making a movie ?
the more the marrier

but it will take more space on your hd
/cl_avidemo 25
with the program "Image" ofcourse ;)
i heard there is a trojan or something like that :X...

around 2-3 guys said that today :(
what a bullshit, I checked it, it's clean ;/
when burning the iso with cdburnerxp should i check bootable disc (then it wants a boot image) or not?
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