The Horrors...

Well one of my old CSS m8s sent me, never heard of them, but they r gooooood.
image: horrors

no, not emo.

This video is totally amazing: The Horrors - She Is The New Thing

Enjoy guys! rly worth to watch. Yes i know, old, fuck u Israel Etnies!
dont like them :c
i like the movie but uuhm music is atm not pushing enough. but its good. :D
dont like
in ten years emo dominates the world

then earth will be empty cause of mass suicide

stop them now

cut their wrists and do it properly, not in wrong way like the fucking attentionwhores
fucking emo
looks pretty gay

but good, indeed
They are ok. A bit overrated though
sumyadi (20 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam -1 Reply wOoOow!!!
ThE hOrRoRs Is AmAzInG
vErY gOoD bAnD i LoVe
ThE bAnD aNd ThEiR lOoK aWeSoMe
XidIsImA bAnDa Es De Lo MeJoR
nIcE vIdEo
btw, every suicidal emo is turning around in their grave for you saying this is not emo
zomg that will create an earthquake :[
its abit emo tbh, but counting in 5's is a tune.
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