Need cfg for tft

Yea need a good config for tft as it says cos i cant see shit with mine.

Dell tft 75 hz 5ms responce hep pls :<
get a CRT
Use mine at my profile xD
cfg for low sens > cfg for tft
loek cfg + displayrefresh 75
I tried loek's cfg but i didn't like it :) i'm using mAus's now :) :D xxx x<3
maus dont post the real one i already saw like 100's cfg from mAus so i m using loek cfg in this crap pc and butchji*mine cfg in my new pc @ university :7

but i hv to say that all cfg for me looks very same coz i change all the binds and some personal settings like m_pitch packets and so one LOL
Well, you might be right, it's not real mAus Cfg. But let's face it. I've improved since I've been using it. Alot of headshots from distance. And players in distance are quite visible. very visible.

Even I tweak the cfg to my own needs. That obvious :)
if u give hs and feel confident with that just use.. probably isnt maus cfg but its your cfg now mantain it 4ever :D
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