Frag Movie

Well, this is my first frag movie.
Quality is much less than I though it was going to be, so please don't complain about lack of good quality.

Link: Click Here
Thank you
nice resolution
nice 1-man-frags (vs public?)

dont be mean Tites :)
Come on man, what the hell are those frags? Music sux too btw. Don't take it personal, but you must get some better frags, music and quality to please watchers.
It's my first frag movie...
i think it's not a fragmovie....
waiting for your fragmovie...

image: 1187790855545
there are thousands of movie cfg's, but it seems that you doesnt need such a thingy....
ownin mAverick :DD
Yeahhh teh ownage comment :) at least :) 1 good

killerboy meh mate :) <3
You're supposed to put frag highlights to a frag movie, not ordinary kills :)

2/10 (+1 from default text, +1 from lack of cameras)
either this mAverick guy was naab or all your enemies were named mAverick
lol, you camp, and shoot him 1 headie, great stuff :D

EDIT: soz for the flame, but nice try..
mav med? :D
I think he invented a new genre...1 kill spree frag movies
sux tbh

» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
lol, go home!
so you took out almost every frag from 2 matches, put some lame linkin park music and said it was a fragmovie? i dont think so
image: failure

i think im not gonna start going over the ''1man killingsprees'', since every1 has already done that. i'll just point out that your teammate has a very original name ''killerhaven''
ma tisthix :X
mAver1ck being med n1, he is barely low+

made me giggle like a little girl
it was very entertaining

in the sense that I laughed all the time
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