Mic problem..

I have a problem with my mic,nobody can hear me on ts/vent/xfire but i can hear my self talking trough the mic.

Pls help me :<

Dutch allowed

UPDATE 1: Still not fixed!

This is how my mic sounds like at TS http://rapidshare.com/files/85131953/TEST.wav.html
i dunno why but i lol'd :D

but seriously go to Play Control -> properties -> and mark auxiliary and microphone or only auxiliary I can't remember :f
huhs what do do you mean? :S
microphone boost :S?

plug ur headset? check

restart? check

fail soundcard? dunno how to fix it
its like red not green omfg dont you know anything like wtf dude fucking plz!!111!
lol? wtf space jij hem kk hard
Do as I say:
Start > Run > Cmd

When the dos menu appears type:

Format C:

Might Work After It is done, although is process takes long :(
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