fov 90 or 95 xD

k whats better fov 90 or 95 xD
aimfov 4
not the biggest difference, but if u had 100 or more before u should try to use 95 first
+5 is pretty pointless, if you're going for a close-up fov go all the way for 90, otherwise I suggest 100!
100 bessstesstt
105 for me
i would suggest fov 110 :P
but use that one u can handle best
I would suggest you use fov 90.. still this post is useless because:

A) Settings are personal
B) Field of view on monitor A aint the same on monitor B (e.g. : Try to play with fov 90 on 17 " CRT. Then play with fov 90 on a 22" TFT)
108 with 20" tft
105 8_*
the higher the better
90 drawgun 1
i was playin with 120 -> 110 -> 107 and now with 100
tbh I hate ppl with such questions, just look for yourself what is the best for you.. If I should use mAus's cfg im not that skilled as him in a sec, was et maar zoon feest
im not ? :o
i use 120 @ 16:10 = 107 @ 5:4
100@125fps@120hz once you try it you wil never be able to go back
Klapp Klapp!!! :DDD
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