noone realises it...

10,000 BC -
1 Million people
9,500 BC -
2 Million people
9,000 BC -
3 Million people
8,500 BC -
4 Million people
8,000 through 5,000 BC -
5 Million people
4,500 BC -
6 Million people
4,000 BC -
7 Million people
3,500 BC -
10 Million people
3,000 BC -
14 Million people
2,500 BC -
20 Million people
2,000 BC -
27 Million people
1,500 BC -
38 Million people
1,000 BC -
50 Million people
500 BC -
100 Million people
Year 1 AD -
170 Million people
500 AD -
190 Million people
1,000 AD -
254 Million people
1,500 AD -
425 Million people
2,000 AD -
6,080 Million people

in the future:
The year 2,010 AD: 6,823 Million people
2,020 AD: 7,518 Million people
2,030 AD: 8,140 Million people
2,040 AD: 8,668 Million people
2,050 AD: 9,104 Million people
why do you care?
it feels wrong not to care
not rly it will be solved when its a real prob
bomb asia -> problem solved !
genau das denk ich auch manchmal :/ kann ja i.wo net angehen das die ficken wie die hasen...
World War 3 would help?
what surprises me is that people will actually turn to violence in order to decrease the population instead of thinking colonization etc
some years from now we will be able to travel to other planets prob solved
ooh jee would be cool. People on mars ^^.

Will internet work from there to the earth with 20-50ping?
would be nice for NC team mars xD
hey, a pacifist.

germanys population is going downwards, we're saving the world tbh

or lets say we're delaying ww3
not funny retard
im serious retard
i blame jews+black people
its not mankinds "fault" the population is growing exponentionally
2 kids max for every female on the world = prob solved.
India has to start using the 1 child rule like in China :x

''Texas has a total surface area of 261,914 square miles, which is 7.30174326 × 10^12 square feet. Divided by 7 billion (slightly larger than the current population of the world) would yield an average of 1,043 sq feet per person. Were everyone allotted space thusly, a family of 4 would have roughly a 4000 square foot home, and the entire world's population could fit in Texas. ''
that's what people call EXPONENTIAL!
Why do you insult me?!

I noticed.
LoL, by the time theres "too many" people on the planet, ill be long gone, so care.
2 many cinese people
Let the etpub players come to etpro!
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