FPS Lag!!!

I recently bought a new pc running Windows Vista Home Premium...
I installed some games (also ET) hoping I finally can play games on a good pc and with a stable and normal FPS instead of 20 FPS (@ ET before).
All games seem to work just fine untill I try First Person Shooters...
For example if i play ET everything works perfect; I have 125 FPS but it lags...
My cousin Belgium P5Y proposed me to read the tutorials at crossfire and so i did.
I did exactly what the tutorials say but i still got this fps lag :(
And not only with ET, also with CS, SOF2, COD, MOHAA etc...
I almost tried everything i think...
All my source's of solutions are fading...
Now i really don't know what to do anymore!!!

Really, if somebody can fix my problem i could kiss him, cause i really want to be able to play ET etc again!
Tx in advance!
Grtz, nAz

PS : only helping comments plz
PS2 : i don't want to install XP or earlier windows versions so this isn't an option!
already did that 2 time's...
still got fps lag
go buy new pc
ur a little hater arent you
hum sometimes :d
i would have bet pb lag, but after reading CS , i have no idea...
try to give highest priority to the game u play
How much RAM do you have ?
Memory:2 GB DDR2 Dual Channel@his profile Oo
haha i've 4 haha i've 4 haha i've 4 haha i've 4
Update drivers
Download Advanced WindowsCare Personal at www.iobit.com

First update (database) and then scan

It will speed up your system
still got fps lag :(
Tx anyway for the help...
Its strange how you have FPSLag ... Because I dont and my specs are worse (Medion Laptop)

Check com_hunkmegs btw , set it to 192 max
its the internet provider :>
install the newest NVIDIA drivers? the drivers that are shipped with Vista are shit (to say it in a nice way)
drivers or pb imo !
GeT xP oR LinUx
why would you want vista? :X
i didn't want it^^
it was included
try install XP, vista sux
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