warsow: servers, tips for movement, ....

some1 coould give my the ips of the best warsowpublicservers?

i started playing warsow 4 days ago
and i want to get a good skill very fast
are there any aimmaps oder sth like that?
i know the movement vids of mote but are there any other in teh internet? :P
pls help me :(
cant help ya sry, but gl!
press w to move forward and left mousebutton to fire!
it takes 25 seconds for armors etc to spawn, use your round timer to time them. that's the most important thing
do i need any special maps besides the included one`s (v0.4)?

and gl with your skilltrain
when strafing, release your forward button after the first strafe, and you can turn left and right
0.32 > 0.4
only good new thing in 0.4 is wswtv imo

Quoteare there any aimmaps oder sth like that?

lol'd too hard
well amphi maps r good for aim prac...
edited just for you....("oder"=german "or")
forget publics, play duels!
learn movement ( in 0.4 that is just easy)
get a hud (search on the wsw forum or make one)
tweak your cfg (just a little)
Learn the maps (placement of RA and MH)
All armors spawn every 25 secs and MH spawn 20 secs after the last MH taker get his health back to 100
you'll be zeh pro
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