watcha studying?

out of pure interrest ...and im bored...
for those who are studiing at a university or sumthing like that, what kind of study do you do?

me: Industrial Design Engineering @ HHS

(this journal was inspired by spiROZE's journal: )

now learning micro biology
I'll soon start school again, after leaving school for a year with one of the lowest highschool graduation (vmbo) there is here in holland :<

I'll start with the highest highschool graduation (vwo/gymnasium) now again though (started with it but rly screwed up), and then going to university. All preferably with naturetechnics and naturescience (developing / expanding current theories about naturelaws for example)
:> thx

and if I terribly fail I can always become a porn-actor or smth :)
haha :D but if you got the will to do it you won't fail ;}
I guess that's true :>
true...but they say its not well payed if you are a guy...
but the extra's are nice :)
:D like I care, I'll just do 5 movies a day :D
Dutch and English
before that Computer Science
Computer Science now, starting Mechanical Engineering next year.
Economics. I will be very important one day.
Should study Maths or Physics then.
you are already very important, not with what you do, but in our harts <3333333333333
Studying Historical Science. I'm focussing mostly on international relations between states since the Peace of Westphalia 'til present. Besides that I spend a lot of time on early modern history of Europe (so basicly from 1500 to 1750), history of Christianity (especially the Reformation), and the history of the Netherlands.
wow, seems like a rly interesting study, but what does it exactly give you for possibilities as a future carreer?
This question has been asked frequently. The most obvious thing is to become a history teacher, or continue performing scientific research at a university. For the rest history can be really diverse. If you choose to study International Relations between countries, and you are interested in doing something with politics, it shouldn't be hard to find a job at the government (Balkenende, for instance, also studied history). Other possibilities: work at a big company (historians are really good at turning a lot of information into a simple and good structure and remember it), or do something with communication (media, journalism, etc.).
Yea, these days you're not really restricted by what you study. Me, with my electronics engineering, I could go into finance & banking, no problem ( although I don't want that... yet! )
Yea, f.e. JPMorgan actively searches for mechanical engineers. Banks pay good, but so does the automotive industry and there you can actually do something useful.
ah ok, so it's actually really diverse, nice ;)
Business Administration.
Digital Electronics with Business Skills (short version: Electronics Engineering)
stopped management, going for photography in sept. hopefully
started with mechatronics '06. i switched to physics this '07 and am trying to get my master degree in physics + bachelor in computer science.
industrial engineering specialised in IT
graphic and interactive communications
which uni if i may ask?
its called NTF. and it is in ljubljana. why do you ask?
just gathering info about abroad unis/u.o.a.s. which might cover one's multimedia/artistic interests
this one is pretty much the only one (thats public) in ljubljana. dont know about maribor, or other places.

there were 4 croatians studying here, of them only 1 made it to the 2nd grade. getting to write a seminar in croatian can be arranged sometimes, but for other stuff (like reports) it has to be slovenian, so learning/knowing slovenian is obligatory.

but hey! you can play for slovenian NC team then! :D
but hey! you can play for slovenian NC team then! :D

all for the fame \o/

well seriously, i took a look at the (slovenian only, no english?) site, but under ' Študijski programi ' (lovely word) i couldnt find anything photographyrelated to be exact.
anyways, as it's slovenian more-or-less-only, it doesn't matter :D

cheers nevertheless

there is fotografija 1 & 2, along with other subjects that are indirectly connected to photography.

edit: - deviantart profile of that croatian guy who also studies here. pretty cool stuff.

also: if you want to become the best at anything, you need to go outside of what any uni is offering you and learn on your own. finishing the uni is just so you have that paper in your hand.
well, i'm having a year off atm, your guess what i'm doing :p
eventhough my aim is not necessarily becoming the best in anything

u got a point tho by saying its not THAT important to get a degree which might - especially in creative arts - not be absolutely necessary.

here in austria its still possible to get a master in photography. not too sure what to think about it :q

some quite interesting stuff from the guy @ da btw
I also would prefer to eat shit.
Accounts with Economics, phunnn
Faculty of Law

good night. 2 weeks till my last exam :S
Argh, that reminds me of my exams: Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Needless to say I have other shit to do in the same period :< ?
Haha. :D Ye something like that. This girl got forced to learn/speak Dutch. Poor girl. :(
Mediaproducing in Finland Oulu university of applied sciences. <---Todays school-related accomplishment (Don´t push the red one straight away)
International Relations @ University of Groningen :)
Going to be a big psychopath?
Nothing now, I finished last summer. \o/
Sweet, I wanted to do that when I was younger. But then I got lazy and kinda gave up. Besides, Jack Bauer would stop me...
BA (Hons) English. Last year I did one year of BSc (Hons) Computer Games Technology but switched to English because I find it more enjoyable. Studied Maths, English Language and Computing at A Level as well. Kind of lost my passion for computing and programming in general, at least the specifics and intricacies of it.
Good move. Any degree with the words "Computer Games/Gaming" just makes me a sad panda!
Saying that though, I'm going to attend two seminars hosted by Rareware this Wednesday about 'Creativity and Design' and 'Games with Character'. I feel some angst when it comes to Q & A time! :D
pharmaceutical science @ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam :o)
maths like always
Archaeology and Prehistory.
multimedia en communicatie technologie


(edit: i should be studying that but i am reading xfiire)
multimedia 1st year atm
computer science, exam in 5 hours 8(
ha! mine is in 24h and i have to start studying 8[
haha, i have another one tomorrow too 8XD
Evolutionary Economics

Ok its just Economics, but that new trend of evolutionary economics sounds way more sophisticated and scientific. :)
Parttime Dutch Law...

Finished Civil Engineering(HTS) 4 years ago...
information technology
computer science
computer science
management & computer science
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