UFO this is real.. the truth which you cant handle

YouTube - Disclosure - Governor Fife Symington - CNN Phoenix
i have seen a ufo this summer, they are fucking real
r u serious? where tell us about it.. how was it? do you have anything in the news on the internet about it? any pics?
i haven't got any documentation, but it was at the very beginning of june
we had a party in the garden, which lasted long, so we stayed till 23 o'clock, when i've spotted something very weird in the sky, immediately told the others also, and they have seen the same thing

it was 100% sure that it was a "flying" object, it was moving damn slowly, that's why i've found it special. it was very bright, much much brighter than a star (was closer), and it suddenly stopped. this is when i was sure that it was a "machine". shortly after the lights of it turned off (actually a plane was approaching to it), and it completely disappeared...
it's scary but we are not alone:)
we were alltogether 5, all of us have seen it (my parents + two friends)... i'm not saying that it was a contact, but it was a UFO for sure (whatever it's the nazi one, or anything else)
my father is an airplane engineer, he confirmed 100% that it was not a plane or any kind of vehicle that's known
I cant handle this, im gonna shoot myself

Boring vid but there real :P
yeah they exist, but they ar made from people, so easy is it
o rly, how do you know?
i was looking some doku movies about how the scienthyst were doing them in the last 20th century, which problems they had with it...
It was always very secret, but u know there ar too much people and to long history about it, so that it still should be so secret.
In this doku u could see what they achieved already in the time before cold war. And of course whose dokus showed how the phenomen of UFO got into first movies and of course into the brains of normal people, why they began to believe it.
ok so why the hell fly over phoenix with it? to make people believe in aliens?
U made me look at a load of area 51 videos now :P would love to go near / in there
yeah it is pretty crazy shit isnt it
Yeh man. We will find out one day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GtLeJRf9qk
quite intresting
dunno, some tests i think.
They did already very much flights ever different places :)
Im pretty sure Russia did em too coz they began with it after the 2nd war too
brumu is one of them, ban
boring comment
sounds like a outdated politician wanting attention
if you do some research youll soon notice there is a lot of outdated "high ranking officials" wanting attention, look up on youtube type in ufo conference cnn
:o ruuuuuun
am I an alien? ;x
Omg, we should have sent out a scout @ 8 units. Gr8 now thier overload spotted us.
beware of the overload
yes i hope you guys win everything you are the best.. i like tekoa especially he has some magic tricks with his aim.. also i like him for his pistolero actions.. and i dont know bout you.. but just do your best and win everything! do some good teamwork
I'll do my best supporting them, I'm just a manager so you won't see me playing :P The roster for CDC4 is M1lk, BuLL, teKoa, foSt, Azz0r, Lun4t1C.
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