Perfo Update

Perfo is operated this afternoon ( appendix removed ) and he's doing fine atm. Ofcourse he still has some pain from the wound, but according to his mom he's already responsing normally so np for him.

edit: Link to the first journal of Robbenoot

edit2: thx for all the I carealot reactions, but I only posted this because many ppl were curious about his situation.
What ? I have missed something or what ?
what happened?
for the guys who missed the journals... he almost died after he jumped infront of the train... but now they removed his appendix and he seems to be fine again
stelletje fucking haters:DDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddddddddd
He jumped onfront of the train? wtf r u talking about?
newspost imo or sticky forum thread
though the same
must i now u?
Quotebut according to his mom he's already responsing normally so np for him.

Didnt he respond normaly before then xD? Anyways gl perfo :)
I hope that retarded question isn't serious.
This is such a bullshit story, go fuck with other retards here.
Attention whores.
omg emo ppl, appendix is pretty normal.
its dangerous if u dont treat it when it starts aching.
my appendix removed also like 8 years ago, but nobody made a journal. so sad!
hopefully he'll get better soon
couldnt care less
We should have caring journals for everyone who got a minor surgery.
I'm sure crossfire will care o/
responsing :D
he was on in msn or is he already home? nvm wish u all the best
His mom was on his msn to inform his friends.
no it was his hax
actually she just hacked my pc the bitch
hope he'll get better soon, btw sticky this. ehaehs
rip old mate <3 :(
thx, how about his brother?
ok, en nu?
Het is wel erg 'bijzonder' om te horen hoeveel contact jij met de ouders van perfo hebt en dit met ons allen te delen.
i had my appendix out, it fucking hurts trying to walk after having it removed because u need to stretch the stitches.
wernt his bollox he had out m8, it was his appendix!!!
well gl & hf

but its not really a big deal when someones appendix is getting removed tbh :D
Ask perfo, what the cure is.

why is he in hospital - ask Atemi!!
Heard it in BBC Radio already.
WHO IS PERFO ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Perfo got a apenbix update

I fail :(
Finally I can get some sleep, phew.
hoi, i dont care
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