Beyond Good & Evil

Well i was so fucking tired of exams, people and other things. 2008 - 23 days and ALREADY more suckage than 2007 ever was (for me). So i installed a game what i downloaded 1-2 years ago and never checked. Beyond Good & Evil.
Nice graphics, enjoyable and lovely storyline... so just a nice game. Really nice.
(not only for kids lol if u check pics :P). Primitive controls just like Final Fantasy.

image: beyond1
image: beyond2
image: beyond3
image: beyond4
image: beyond5

Old, yes. Kiddie, YES. But i really needed a game like that now, maybe thats why i enjoy it so much. And yes, atm i have no life to live.
pff the second pic make me feel sick. Because it reminds me of retarded lowbudget kiddo games with fucked up boring levels where you need to collect a few items for example.
edit: it reminds me of rayman xD
it has storyline, and u need to collect like everything to make money etc. buy upgrades etc... kiddo game, but with fucking funny characters and stuff.
I have this game for the Gamecube. It must've been more than 2 years since I played it though. :)
can i has c00kie o0?
This game has gr8 storyline & i've rly enjoyed it tooo .... The whole conspiracy (dunno if spelt right) and making pics of animals (some loly ones especialy) was just cool fun....

Try Prince of Persia series (the only games beside fps i also rly enjoyed). Dload them in order they were published....aka Sands of Time (fairy tale) , Warrior Within (goth carnage) , Two Thrones (mix of both) :D
uhm i tried PoP but i only enjoyed the really really 1. one from 1990 or something :P
just try sands of time - play a bit and it will stick to you untill you finish it :D
Good game ruined by a horrible battlesystem and pacing. The second part got the fighting somewhat right but pacing still sucked and it wasn't as good as the first part anyway. Third part should be best of the both worlds, but never bothered with it.
3rd part is best imo, it has some fairy-tale climate + some nice carnage + stealth kills (if you fail to do 1 = you are usually fucked) + this "dark prince" aka mr. My Life Is Going Down As Long As you Don't Kill Those Fuckers And Hide makes the game look rly cool & fast paced... And, ofc, some wicked jumping etc.

Just one of the best tpp games lately as for me (looking forward to Assasins Creed for PC and some other one, can't recall it's name, about sum guy who can change shape & swing on his arms, make them be muthafucking big claws etc.)
"about sum guy who can change shape & swing on his arms, make them be muthafucking big claws etc."
Bionic Commando?
nope - it was sth like "Project" dunno.... It was taking place @ our times, and this guy was a mutant ..... :D


QuoteSo i installed a game what i downloaded 1-2 years ago

Because of dumbasses like you we're not going to get a sequel for one of the greatest last-gen games, thanks.
i am really sorry for it.
Too late to be sorry, Because of you and you only Michel Ancel has to spend following ten years making sequels to Rayman Raving Rabbits instead of BG&E or at least Rayman 4.
I've bought it btw! :D BG&E :D
Way to go! Thank you.
Props for playing the game though.
The soundtrack is one of the best ever heard in any computer game in my opinion.
well, yes i surprised on it.
to bad u finish it in 2 hours
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