tennis for sleep...

last days i always watched australian open while laying in bed to get asleep, as tennis is very relaxing to watch.

i like the girls' matches....

lately i watched her playing.

gn8 everyone :D
Tennis owns. 8D
Tennis sucks. 8D
lol thought that too, but as a way to get asleep...very nice :D
same with soccer
Gz for winning first match
hm ye australian open is nice so far :Z wish i had a tv on my room though, now i cud only watch match replays
spanner :-, wish ya a good night.
yeh same : ) .. nice matches th0
penis for sleep...
they get uglier/older as teh tourny goes on, there were some hot 16 year olds before ;D
image: maria_sharapova_00
sharapova ^^
sharapova when she just started and didn't have the monsterous arms, omg that girl turned me on ;o

now she looks like a dude, got fckin bigger arms than I have (not that that's so hard, I have bone+skin+bitmuscleNOFAT ^^)
get muscles.
first step: turn off your pc
2nd step

get image: chuck

no but srsly, sometimes I do workout for 2 weeks or smth, and then I get bored and I quit it again. No motivation at all :/
I still do have muscles though, just NO fat at all, while I eat like a fucking maniac, don't understand it...
got the same problem +/- i do eat twice the amount of food that my friends do.
too fast methabolism or sth like that. i just cant put on weight :<<

anyway, i reached 80kgs (185cm height), so i started worinkg out, just to turn the fat (dont have too much) into muscles etc.

im 80 kgs and im 2m tall :/
fuck, dude, get some fa(s)t food.
deep fried, mcdonalds + kfc shit.
aniwai, goodnight.
:D u shud know what I eat in one fucking day, you'd be amazed...
Last time I ate a hotdog was this morning when I woke up, and that was 5 hours after my last mcdonalds meal. At THIS exact moment I'm eating chicken wings + drinking cola, whilst I just ate paprica-chips and this afternoon I ate a large sack of frenchfries and a calf-croquette. I'm not bullshitting you, this is only the junkfood I ate today, didn't even start about the normal food yet :/
Amelie Mauresmo, she is shemale xDD
no, just male
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