qw cfg
24 Jan 2008, 19:22
can someone gimme a halfway decent qw cfg?
just wanna use it for the match tonight and default would prolly rape my pc
just wanna use it for the match tonight and default would prolly rape my pc
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_skipStuff "1"
seta setMachineSpec 0
seta r_mode 4
seta g_showPlayerShadow 0
seta g_decals 0
seta image_specularPicMip "-2"
seta image_diffusePicMip "-2"
seta image_bumpPicMip "-2"
seta image_globalPicMip "-2"
seta image_picMip "-2"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta com_useFastVidRestart "1"
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta r_brightness "1.1"
seta r_gamma "1.2"
seta com_unlock_maxFPS "120"
seta com_unlockFPS "1"
seta com_unlock_timingMethod "1"
seta g_fov "120"
seta r_visdistmult "1.2"
ehm how do i set it up again?
in which folder?
didnt play the game for some months
simple class selector/wpn toggle using
F5-GDF F6-Strogg F7-Spec
ins, home,pg up,del,end and pg down for classes. http://www.sharebigfile.com/en/file/5253/class-rar.html
cheers and more thx :P