About stealing...

Well this is the well known Hoobastank song (Same Direction) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prZTXXrTmO0
Listen it from 14-26 ...

and thats a Hungarian band (personally i fucking dont like them coz this stealing thingie) Depresszió - Aki Érdekel - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxVTjTXlAkM&feature=related
Listen it from 22-44

My brother checked it on Guitar Pro or wtf, totally the same.
Hoobastank song - Hoobastank - Reason (2003)
Depresszió song - Depresszió - (i cant remember but around 2007)

Depresszió is maybe the 2nd biggest Hungarian band after Tankcsapda.
They are not bad, but i cant stand stealing from my favorites.

What is your oppinion? Do you know any same situation?
filthy thieves
You should learn the plurals too:)
It sounds almost identical indeed, but as far as I can hear there are some small difference between the use of the guitars. If you want to be sure that their the same, I would suggest to compare them with Audacity instead of Guitar Pro :P
For the rest, well meh, not really original of course if they stole it from the other, but its just a fragment of 20 secs, better then steal whole songs rythms ( which also happens )
uhm guitar pro is not that bad, according to my brother
Nah, it isnt bad at indeed, but Audacity is imo the best freeware program if you want to look very closely @ music and compare them :) Since it registers the nr. of Hz the sound is like etc.

sounds similar :P

And I'm pretty sure I heard the chorus as well somewhere
No need to get upset about bands 'stealing' stuff from other bands since it's pretty much impossible to think of something completely new nowadays.
May have been unconscious, but I agree that it was probably stolen (i.e. they had heard the original before recording their own song).

There's been plenty of plagiarized songs, the most famous probably being George Harrison's My Sweet Lord (which he talks about here, after losing the court case).

Recent and almost certainly intentional rip-offs by Timbaland:

You're right, edited!

ps: Stop met wijs doen! :[
:p i'm not completely right (no pun intended)
Also something funny to look at perhaps :D

Yann Tiersen's single 'Comptine d'un autre été - La Démarche' (probably produced somewhere in 2001) plays a bassline that is similar to this (note: I played two notes different in this line to make it sound a bit more similar)


Now what does this sound similar to?
Of course, Hey There Delilah released in 2005 (note, played on piano instead of guitar):


LoL! The difference is no more than one half step on your keyboard. 8)
yes that's interesting isnt it
i would say at least not total smiliratiy :P
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