need some help perfo maybe?

what is the fastest way to become a pornstar?

random pic:

image: penguin_costume_adult
gtfo hacker
gtfo hacker -chain-
sorry but there wont be a chain again :<
why not :<<<<<
haters :<<<
Go into surgery to enlarge your embarrassingly small prostate, try losing your virginity and
finding some girls to fuck so you can enchance your nonexistent sex skills then get a surgery on your face to remove all the pimples and retarded features. And finally go to the gym and train out for about a 100 years so you look even a little bit like a normal human being. No need to thank me.
Your english is pork.
No you don't!
The prostate is a compound tubuloalveolar exocrine gland of the male mammalian reproductive system, and therefore not something you can enlarge, and enlarging it would fill no function in any way.
Secondly you can't realy enchance(that would be enhance) something that is nonexistent.

But I get the idea what you mean. :-P
yeah... this is what internet + boredom causes
retarded flame >_>
Age: 17 ( 26 January 1991 )

go and ask ur parents
having a porn name cock norris
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