What are your plans for this weekend?

[x] internet's serious business
[] going out
[] dno yet
[] ?
random p1c:
image: stole
[x] work :<
[x] computer
[x] going out
[x] Fucking GF
[x] going out
[x] going to a concert tomorrow
[x] today sitting at youtube, watch galileo mystery at 22:20pm and will read Der Wanderchirurg after that x)
[x] going out with my girl
[x] Cutting myself
[x] reading retarded xfire journals
[x] lan + weed
today watching tv -> sleeping -> eating breakfast -> going to da training -> eating -> donno -> donno -> sleeping -> eating b. -> playing -> going to da training -> eating ... and so on
[x] skating
[x] studying
[x] internet's serious business
[x] finding a "zivildienststelle"
real skating or that shitty blading
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