Most Plays?

Fekete József User
Male, 20, Hungary

Registered: 28 Nov 2006

Tracks played: 25,139

Who will win this fucking amazing "after exam at 20:00 @ Friday night" game?
teenage ninja turtles
Matthias Delbar User
Male, 16, Belgium

Registered: 21 Nov 2007

Tracks played: 2,971

Almost =( :P
Male, 18, United Kingdom

Registered: 6 Feb 2006

Tracks played: 19,428

The Like - June Gloom | now listening

Babyshambles - Beg, Steal Or Borrow | just listened

Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better | 9 minutes ago

Minus the Bear - Get Me Naked 2 Electric Boogaloo | 11 minutes ago

Guns N' Roses - Yesterdays | 12 minutes ago

Wilco - Impossible Germany | 17 minutes ago

Franz Ferdinand - Michael | 15 minutes ago

Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes | 25 minutes ago

Matt Pond PA - City Plan (LP Version) | 21 minutes ago

Portugal. The Man - Waiter | 25 minutes ago

Tears - Lovers | 28 minutes ago
Guns'n'roses :DD oldschool baby!
Registered: 11 Oct 2006
Tracks played: 15,348
Registered: 26 Jun 2006

Tracks played: 10,184
Registered: 11 Sep 2005

Tracks played: 51,433
and the winner iiiiiiss....
never saw anyone whos favorite is Athlete... i m not saying they r bad or something, but i donno. too usual. but Hurricane is rly good.

Air Traffic > Athlete

u won anyway, i cant get +30.000 plays in the following 2-3 min... :(
air traffic are sick :D
Registeredi: 9 III 2006

Track Played:: 23 978
sup mr.spam 2k7? o:
Registered: 9 Oct 2005

Tracks played: 69,316
link or it didnt h...otherwise: and the new winner iiiisssss...
dunno, ask Trevize, he started with it :DDD

my sis is big fan of Social Distortion, they were here few weeks ago as i can remember
Good for her! Never seen SD live, they have never been in Finland. Oh well, if they come to Sweden on their next tour I'm so going.
but isnt it a bit far away to go there for a concert just?
scandinavia is so fucking huge...or is it nearby, like hamburg-berlin or something?
Well I dunno, from Turku to Stockholm its like umm.. few hours on a ferry.
oh yeah, forgot about the water-way. im not used to it since i life in deepest flatlands of germany ;D
Inscrit(e) : 13 sept. 2007

Titres joués : 4 515
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