need GQ3 songs...

Sonic Mayhem - A.E.X.
Sonic Mayhem - Stem Cell
Sonic Mayhem - T3 Remix
Chritophe Beck - Ferry Crossing
Chritophe Beck - Wolf run
Juno Reactor - Congo Fury
Graeme Revell - Race against the Sun

(ye, they re all from GetQuaked3)

can't find em with bearshare :'(
so i d need someone to upload thes songs :o
inbox me pls, if you got one or more em!
WTF is dat voor hoerensmiley?
maybe they are from quake soundtrack or something
mh, ye i should download it
I used to have Congo Fury but I formatted, I'll see if I can find it for you. :P
would be great^^
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