brainless movies

hi i have lots left of my download limit for this month (yes in belgium we has)
and i want to download some movies, preferred brainless with lots of shooting, the kind of movie you dont have to think about

anything allowed except for saving private ryan and the matrix :D
harry potter boring and shit

Crank good movie dude gets infected with virus and has to keep adrenalin up or he will die
Flashpoint (not necessarily brainless, but standard action movie story with great fight scenes)
Fatal Contact
full metal jacket is a very good movie (not mindless, good)
bourne trilogy is also nice
i have the bourne trilogy already, its good

btw i dont rly mean brainless brainless, just not smth like the matrix or whatever
shoot em up if u didnt watched it yet...
cmon, weren't you thinking how the fuck did he killed those guys with just a carrot?
skill and experience?
its a good movie !
any steven seagall film
fido. the friendly zombie. now thats a pointless movie.
Silent Hill
Top Gun !

random pic:

image: gerbiltj3
National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon
Shoot 'em up!
battle royal
lucky number slevin
Shoot Em Up
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