deadmAu5 - a new star is born [yermish ofc]

got in contact with him a few weeks ago, he also uses ableton live and we´ll meet in march at the ableton office in berlin. me has teh login for his private efftehhpeeeh


btw hi2u
can i has invite pls or some stuff???

and berlin. clubbin ?

hi2u2 :DD
dunno ´bout the final date, our workshop starts at monday and ends on friday. it will be announced nxt week . . .

and yehh, clubbin? foshoo!

he allowed me to create a promo mix with his new stuff, incomin in the nxt week i guess.
nAiZ mate :D hi2u, greetings from Leipzig!!!!
hansmaulwurf :/

hat sich das nicht schlafengehen wenigstens gelohnt? also haste kurse abbekommen ?
Parent die ersten waren 4:45uhr da -.- ich erst 6uhr, da war ich vorvorvorletzer :(

hab aber so gut wie alle noch bekommen
Post the promo mix on the site when it's done please.
Yeah, Deadmau5 is the sh!t. I know him for almost a year and I love his music.
i've heard better
I don't like this :x
Every tracks helds almost same sounds and beat, but it's just the trend today for edm.
mmmhh, no trend, in this case its his uniqe style caused from the use of teh same hardware and software to create teh shit
why is he your idol? you should be his idol! i make better shit then he does... its al about faith and just producing what you like to hear
mmhhhk, proofes pls.

in case that u produce better shit than him, upload and show it to the community.

edit: gettin´ offline is no solution . . ., SPAST!!!
hahaa i went offline coz i went to get an xray not coz i wasnt willing ti show you
sure i am willing to show u some of my stuff if you be nice..
me cares, no need to be nice. if u wanna present ur work do it, if not . . . dont talk bullshit without proofs. thx
lol ok then i dont want to present my work.. only if your nice i would show you but allright? if you wanna be a hippy put a flower on my tippy
he is great indeed
seems pretty nice
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