need ur help rly :( [ger allowed]

hi all..

i did a journal yesterday about a prob @ sony vegas but its still not solved :(

we have a schoolproject in making a movie for our englishlesson and we already filmed on friday. My friend send me the files. The files are compressed .avis. i cant play them with realplayer, windows media player etc. only with vlc.
i have to edit them with sony vegas but that doesnt work cuz then there is an error :(

yesterday u said at my journal that i need some codecs or something like that..i dont know
and u said that i have to uncompress the files but that didnt work ...
i tried it with 3-4 progs from web + virtual dub but there came this error :

pls i need ur help or me and my group will get a bad mark in english :/
i need a prog witch makes the compressed avis playable for sony vegas

sry for my bad english

greetz razzah
you deserve a bad mark !
try to load it to vdub, then video> compression > uncompressed (or huffyuv) > save as AVI > load to vegas > hf > get good mark

if this doesnt work try to load it to AE, u can save it from there to uncompressed then > load to vegas > hf > get good mark

if that 2 dont work i have no fucking idea

this error appears if i try to load them with vdub :/

and what is AE ?
dl the VFW what it mentions, try to google it

ae is after effects =o it supports rly many formats so maybe its what u need :u
omfg THX !! it works :)

but without try to fix that u know how btw ? ^^
vdub > AUDIO > FULL PROCESSING MODE > pick wav or mp3 or any other > put to vegas > hf > get good mark :<
i did that with save to mov. but sony vegas cant read that...:/
dont save as mov

vegas doesnt read mov :c
hmm gl
gL dont got a solution sry :/
the solution:
stick ur head into a big yellow (!) plastic bag and try to fix it with some rope round ya neck... then try to fix a piece of paper on it and write on it the words: "I GOT 10000 profile hits"

finally run against a clean white wall with full speed

that should fix ur problem
19 ( 1 March 1988 )

i dont believe that.
youre welcome
VIECH <3333333

eyaa muzzzzz <333

well not much :D

school done last summer, studiing now at university and moving to a new flat with my girlfriend in 2 weeks :D

and u?
Nothing m8 i'm still nolifing
ur such a kiddie.
go find a job and stop annoying me omg
im 16 ur 19 almost 20 and ur more kiddie than me ....omg
dude you made me rofl again
made rofl :D
reinstall VFW and all codecs :>
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