sadpanda cup

OK, so we signed up for this 3on3 x3-cup and we had to play mentiz. When we got to their server they were playing with an other lineup so we asked the pro admin: image: ru 4live about it...

<PADDO> dude
<PADDO> we are playing mentiz
<PADDO> but they got a different lineup on their server...

(About 7 minutes later)

<`4live_> its ok m8

After saying that he just forfeited our opponent without even telling me and ignored us.

Behind our backs our opponents where talking to the admin aswell and they told the admin we didnt want to play, which was obviously not true..

After that he banned me from their channel: * You were kicked from #x3-cup by `4live_ (PADDO) + mentiz got a forfeit.

- Admin forfeiting us without even telling us
- Admin ignoring us but talking to our enemy's
- Admin not answering our questions
- Admin banning us from cupchannel @ irc

thats like an e-murder
Call in the e-detectives!
for e-investigation :O
there is no justice in this cruel world
Ive tried that too.. And you know what? menTiz are a bunch of loosers :)
I really hate these kind of guys + some really bad cup admins. :(
you are right about mentiz ;)
I will never play in a cup with that kind of admins
lol, expected, 4live is noooooob. and yeh, i know, nice engrish from meeeh.

random song :
now i know why the cup was named sadpanda cup :S
how horrible
I couldn't think else of Flashy being a retard. His ego reaches all the way from belgium to tokio :[
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