good morning , we just woke up with Cisy :) was a nice move watching :-)

Sup :> ?

UPDATE - DELETE , 2 many retarards on this world.
had nice anal penetration?
is it any good?
ok. hf watching :)
Had hangover when I woke up -.- Now it's almost over so good day to you malczikh!

Get the fuck of :O)

malczik thinks he's funny but it's phatetic

btw. day started with reading malcock's journal = another lost day :(((
Gtfo fucking cheater
Woke up, saw you making a journal and thought, why doesn't that little annoying polish retard just GTFO.
good morning. why do ppl hate you so much?
Quote by malczikUPDATE - DELETE , 2 many retarards on this world.

Yes, sir! You're retard!
you woke up next to your mom?
fu zjebie pakistanski -L-
the flamez are stunning!
good morning :)
I am impressed ; there are so many friendly & kind hearted guys @ xfire :)
There's no point in being nice to this cheaterretard, really.
MALCZIK! SING TO ME! PLZPZLZPLZPLZZZZPLZ! I wanna listen to your very nice voice in this morning!
I think THIS song will great.
why the fuck did you wake up? dumbshits like you should never wake up and stay in their dream world where everyone likes them and they are skilled
gtfo retard
gtfo kurwa
gtfo :DDDDD
just gtfo
seems like you're wrong, he's some kind of exception
it applies to you also
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