upgrading pc

hey girls and gys,

need some help. i got a really old wrack of pc, but i dont have enough money to buy completly new. he seems bit slow to me atm.. (need faster one!)
so i wanna upgrade only. so what do u think are the most important hardware (with ~ prices) to upgrade? what do u recommend?

i got AMD 2500+
1,83GHz, 1,25GB Ram, gefore 6600, harddisk 100GB

edit: motherboard: ASRock K7VT4A Pro

needed for writing, playing et (maybe some new games, if i would like one), mixing music, space for files. thats it so far.

have a nice day! greeetz

random song: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=VlHgjQMd5cE
i would get a new processor, since good processor = many fps in et
looks good tbh, maybe format if it's really going to slow
Amd x2 4600+ ~80€
Samsung 320gb HDD ~ 70€
Geforce 8600gt ~15߀
and new motherboard
cheap isnt it?
If you're interested in "mixing music" I suggest to put nice amount of money on your soundcard, if you aren't those fruityloops/ejay-people
Actually soundcard has nothing to do with mixing, unless u record some stuff or want to play filtered sound without noise. Talking about noise, you need to choose right and preferably expensive PSU, since it can radically infuelnce the output sound. For home(not-professional) mixing built-in sound card is enough.
for ET, processor is the most important and if u still got some spare money a gfx card would be a good choice... seems like u got enough memory already, and HD space should be enough if u use it wisely :)
really need to change that processor
1.ram is ok

2.harddisk (is ok, but it depends on how much u need, u should know urself if u need more)

3.Grafik (is ok, if u dont play newest games)

4.Prozessor - not good, buy new one (Amd 4000-5000 series would be enough, price: look slifer)

5. Post ur motherboard infos plz
4000-5000mhz - this is AM2 CPU which won't fit on that mobo cuz it is pretty old
look what i wrote under the point 5!
You call that "a really old wrack of pc" ?

Check out mine ^^ image: tmb_1b3f1eb42faf19a66e14a2b2ec4ca4ad

Well... If I were you, I'd check if what's the absolute maximum CPU your mainboard supports. If it's something like an Athlon 3000+, I wouldn't bother (yet). Save the money, and buy a new mainboard + CPU later. Or you could do that now, but take care of compatibility issues: graphics board ( AGP / PCI Express ), HDD (ATA / SATA). These result in additional costs. I guess if you don't play ET very often you could do that step now, and get an onboard-video mainboard.

Other than that, the cheapest thing you could do is add more memory (dunno if it will help much :) Oh... and even cheaper: do a format, it helps with speed usually :P
thats the difference between western and eastern europe^^
i live in england :)
and it was a joke ( if u'r talking about the pic )
- format (0 EUR)
- new cpu (100 EUR)
- 2G RAM (50 EUR)
- maybe some new cooling [case/fans] (50 EUR)

200 EUR
new cpu -> new motherboard -> (possibly) new graphics card -> lots of money spent
depends on how old her mobo actually is, if it's pretty recent a new cpu, ram, a format and maybe some cooling will help a_lot_

still.. it's wiser to just buy a new mobo, cpu etc so you have the most recent hardware
dont listen to those fags!
first of all it depends on the motherboard, so what's the model?
agree we need to know that :P
where do i find this info??
download Everest program and look motherboard what model you have :)
ok done and now?

CPU Sockel/Steckplätze 1 Socket 462
Erweiterungssteckplätze 5 PCI, 1 AGP
RAM Steckplätze 2 DDR DIMM
Integrierte Geräte Audio, LAN
Bauform (Form Factor) ATX
Motherboardgröße 180 mm x 300 mm
Motherboard Chipsatz KT400A
Besonderheiten Hybrid Booster
hmm plz click Motherboard and look name of Motherboard :)
ASRock K7VT4A Pro
don't think that upgrading will help much. if you want a good cpu you will have to buy a new mainboard... and a new gpu would be good, too. And then you nearly got the price of a new PC :p
He could buy a upgrade kit, mobo,cpu+ram for a decent price.
Check what the max supporting cpu is for your motherboard.
wait for christmas and ask a new system
my parents wont buy me new pc ;)
mine is ordered since january the 12th but still waiting :<
Do some research yourself imo!
everybody wants to do research for scHnee!
but i have no idea about this stuff daddy!
:/, get some more money and buy a complete new pc, no use to upgrade imo.

You're lucky that i got moments when im a nice guy.
my less money is for holidays dont want to spend all in new pc
but thx for help nice guy :D
cpu is alright for et tbh.
on my desktop pc et runs with 125 fps stable on most map areas at r_mode 8 and it's only an Athlon XP 2000+
ist das dann gesamte bildschirm auflösung?
hab nen 19 zoll tft mit 1280x1024 pixeln. Ist die volle Auflösung ja
check my profile and my specs... that cost me £550.00 without Monitor including monitor £800.00 :) my processor is very fast try with that and my graphic give 125 stable np
Depends on your motherboard.. ram should be ok but it is 400mhz fosho. I think it is not worth to upgrade it. Try to sell these parts and keep your HD and case.


Motherboard: Asus M2A-VM HDMI, 4 x Dual DDR2-800/667/533, ATI Radeon X1250, 4x SATA2, 10x USB ( 65€ )
CPU: AMD ATHLON 64 X2 4800+ BOX AM2 Energy Efficient 65W ( 78€ )
Ram: DDR2 TeamGroup 2GB PC6400 800 DualChannel kit ( 45€ )
Graphics: GIGABYTE PCI-E ATI RADEON HD 3850, 512MB GDDR3, 2x DVI ( 175€ )
Powersupply: LC 550W LC6550, 120mm, Fan, SATA ( 33€ )
+ 396 €

this is cheaper, u can save 78€
+ 318 €
edited motherboard. but i have no clue how old it is or w/e :/
as i said, it is not worth to upgrade it but if u still want to do that buy a new motherboard at first. Dunno for germany, but it is pretty hard to get parts that would fit in your mobo.
so all depends on the motherboard? what costs a good one?
buying a new mobo is still very tricky :D if you want to buy a new mobo you will need to buy graphic, ram and new CPU bcuz of all new tech and different chipsets.Honestly i don't know what should be the best way to upgrade that, but i suggest you to save up around 270€ and take new gfx/mobo/CPU/ram/ps (parts are really cheap in germany instead of ours here in slo :/) :D
no idea, but nice song!
at least! ;D
hows u?
not much. i guess i need a new cpu too. mine burned ;)
It depends on how much u want to invest. For any money sum there is a posibility!
only want to spend a bit money (~200€). my pc is not all in my life :p
CPU AMD Athlon 4200+ ~50Eu
Some cheap-ass MB with VIA K8M890 chipset ~40Eu
RAM 1GB ~15-20eu (will be enough for first time)
GPU 8600GT 512 ~80Eu
HDD you could use your old one, and when u get enough money buy additional one.
PSU 450-550W ~20-30Eu
SUM ~205-225Eu (i would say these are pretty low prices, but i dont think it's a big problem to find approx. same in yerman eshops.)
its verry old motherboard.my opinion change it ! i cant iven find good procesor fot this one :<
u should go buy a cheap bundle , with mobo,cpu,ram
i have 3 :/ But i gave one to my sister, cos i didnt need it (had it for 6 weeks or something costed me 1000 euros).

I dunno what parts lol ;/ everyone else seem to know more then me, and tbh you owned it pretty hard in ET if i remember correctly :p

Btw its WEEKEND!!!!!!! ;DDDDD
Better save moneys for new comp. :d
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